The Chosen Path to Success
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford. And I'm Rhonda Nolan. And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning, Las Vegas, will Las Vegas, I don't have my ride or die with me this morning. She is out of town Miss Lee is out of town. So she won't be with us today. But I have somebody exciting. In the studio. Today we're gonna talk about a lot of great things. But first, let's talk about a couple of things that are up and coming over the next several weeks. So if you haven't already sign your child up for the 100 black men in Las Vegas virtual youth cooking class is going to take place on Tuesday April the 30th at 6pm. And the sign up Also the Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Phi Alpha Fire and Ice Ball is happening on Saturday the 27th of April at meet. So if you have not gotten your tickets yet or want to find out more information, you can visit the Delta Sigma Theta Las Vegas Alumni Chapter website to get more information. Okay, but I'm not sure what's going on around the city. In the next couple of weeks. I'd like to introduce you to a young man named Mr. Rodney Taylor, and he's the executive director. Your success starts with you.
Unknown Speaker 1:54
His organization.
Unknown Speaker 1:56
His organization is called chosen for success. Rodney, welcome to the show. Thank you. Thank you. Yes, we create creative empowerment every single day. Fantastic. So tell me about some of the new programs your organization is working with. Right now. We're, we're, we're at Clark County Detention Center. Okay, we've, we've been there for almost two years, but we've actually expanded that program. We're working with women right now in Clark County Detention Center where they get actually gave us our own pot to work with. Okay, so we perform what's called Emotional intelligence training in this pot. Now, the thing is, it was it was a pilot program, they weren't sure what the success rate would be. But what they've discovered is that emotional intelligence, which we feel is a foundational piece for success, has actually created a in a decrease in recidivism, that means less people that are in that pod are coming back to, to jail, then are released. So we have roughly a 92% success rate of people that are in in our pod, actually going out in the community and being being successful. That's fantastic. So how many young women do you work with in this particular pot? We work with about 1500 a year. Oh, wow. Yes. Well, there's a lot of people coming in and out of the system. I mean, you figure almost 200 People come in every single day. Really? Yes. Oh, and the Clark County Detention Center? And what are the ages of the folks in that detention center? 18? And above 18? and above? Yes. Okay. So you work with the ladies? And do you work on some of this? You work on their behavior? Their mental? Do you work on soft skills? That is a great question. We call it emotional intelligence. I had to break it down because I actually had to try to define it. And it is the ability for a person to adapt quickly to their environment, by by actually shifting their behavior to create the best results for themselves and everyone around them, ie we work on their trauma. Okay, we have them break through their past trauma, okay? We discovered that trauma is what's holding them back. Most people see are seeing their, their world through their trauma, okay. And based on that, it's how they make the decisions and how they actually direct their lives. So things that happen to them in their childhood, absolutely setting them back from being a productive adult. 100%, zero to eight years old is when 80% of all of our beliefs, all of our values, all of our experience, will all those experiences, create the program that we call adulthood. I'm roughly 6060 years old now. And I'm actually being controlled by this eight year old, young boy. Wow. So I constantly have to have to recreate and redesign myself every single day because my programming must be to go back to the way I was when I was in Compton. Wow. So you're from Compton? Yes, I am. Is that right now? How long have you been in the Las Vegas area? I've been in Las Vegas is 90
Unknown Speaker 4:53
About 40 years. Okay, so when you are a graduate of UNLV I'm a graduate of UNLV. I actually played on our championship football.
Unknown Speaker 5:00
RT is that right? So tell me your full story. Tell me your story from high school in Compton over here to UNLV. I want to hear it all. You know, it's funny. When I was when I was a confidant of
Unknown Speaker 5:10
things that seemed normal. We talked about programming. When I came out here weren't normal. I was used to hearing helicopters, screeching sirens, I was used to hearing people peeling out in their cars, and occasional bullies,
Unknown Speaker 5:25
gunshots Okay, so I come out to Las Vegas, and I remember my first year I was like, guys, so quiet out here.
Unknown Speaker 5:34
So, it literally, I had to, I had to just because I, you know, I didn't realize that, you know, where I grew up, I actually went through trauma where I grew up. Okay, so I actually, you know, in my 30s and 40s, I had to work on some of those past traumas, just so I could actually function in a place where that that type of protection wasn't necessary. Gotcha. So, you grew up in Compton, you came here and you went to college? You played on the football championship championship from 11. Until was your coach back then Harvey Hi. Okay. Well, you know, we actually were just honored a few weeks ago at Allegiant stadium during the spring game. Oh, fantastic. Great. All the guys got back together. We started talking. And, you know, Harvey had was had changed one bit. He was the same coach that he that it was back then. That's fantastic. I said, Rod, how's it going? He slapped me in my butt. I'm
Unknown Speaker 6:29
60 years old. They really
Unknown Speaker 6:32
was a coach. Oh, is it good? Yeah, I guess that's true. It was great to see everyone. So what did you study while you were here? You said business. Okay. business, marketing and finance. So I actually graduated with my degree in marketing was a minor in finance. I went worked with, I guess I can mention the companies that have worked. Pepsi Cola. Okay. We're district manager for USA Today newspaper, then I went in to would you Lea are involved in this business. I started my own business. I've been in my own had my own business ever since. Okay, so what me as an entrepreneur, what made you start your own business?
Unknown Speaker 7:10
Oh, that's a great question.
Unknown Speaker 7:13
I just, I just felt that there was more out there for me. Okay. Like,
Unknown Speaker 7:19
Pepsi. I was a sales manager at USA Today newspaper. I was a district sales manager. And then I just, I just had this burning desire. I don't I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about. Just to start my own thing, and actually, I built a, a personal training business. Okay. Had it for 15 years, and then I sold it. Wow. And then went back into the corporate America. Yes, I was a vice president for a small Genova bank out here.
Unknown Speaker 7:48
The crash hit,
Unknown Speaker 7:50
everything changed. And then I started investing in real estate. Okay, yes. So you wear many different hats as an entrepreneur.
Unknown Speaker 8:00
So I've chosen for success. So when did you start this nonprofit? This? This nonprofit started, actually, when I was incarcerated. Okay. So late 50s, some things happen in was my real estate, I actually retitle some of my properties incorrectly, and I found myself facing 15 years in prison. Really? Yes. Yeah. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 8:29
I've worked on actually fought this case for almost three years. And at the end of the three years, I pled to six months in county jail, okay. While I was in county jail is when the revelation came about chosen for success. I'm working with guys and you know, while I'm inside of was bored, and I said, you know, what, my eyes will start working with some of the guys that are in here, I have a background as far as personal development, I said, you know, the top some of the guys some of the guys wanted, wanted me to create a business plan for them. And I said, I have nothing else to do I fully so create business plans for individuals. So I started working with life plans for individuals. And then I said, you know, my question was, what are you going to do when you get out? Right, you know, and most of them had no plan. Okay, so I started working with them on a 90 day plan once they get out. Wow, that's fantastic. So when you got out of jail, did you go right back into your business? Or what did I did not you know, what?
Unknown Speaker 9:28
I always thought that an individual people that are coming are in the system, but incarceration, always thought that you know, they deserve that, you know, whatever they get, they deserve. Right? Well, all of a sudden, you know, I get in the system and all sudden, I discovered that there's a lot of things that are going on that I was I was not aware of.
Unknown Speaker 9:49
In some time, sometimes, you know, when you're when you're looking for your purpose, you don't find it but sometimes your purpose actually finds you. So I'm in the system and I'm saying you know what, I see what's going on and
Unknown Speaker 10:00
I get to be a solution to what's what's taking place. It was really difficult finding job. Now think about I have a degree, right and a lot of other trees.
Unknown Speaker 10:11
I'm working, stocking a shelf for $12.50 an hour. Wow, I had a wife and a son. I'm trying to take care of them on $12.50 an hour. I'm like, this is not working. I mean, I should be able to, you know, I paid my debt, I should be able to come out and get reestablished. Well, it's very difficult. Well, I found it to be very difficult. Okay, you stated like that, okay. And
Unknown Speaker 10:35
our goal was to make it easier on those people that are coming out of the system. So we've actually found 15 to 20 corporations that are willing to hire these individuals, start them at a sustainable wage $20. and above, that's great, and get them back into the flow of our community again, yeah, that's, that's fantastic. That's really good. Entrepreneurs, I really love this story. Because it's just so enlightening. You know, it's so interesting that, you know, until you go into the systems, you don't know what's wrong with the system. And then by you being there, for your short stint of six months, you came out with some look some solutions to help other people. And that's a blessing to other people. Absolutely. Because that's why sometimes people get in trouble sometimes, because they're not making enough money to sustain their families, and they're out there doing whatever they have to do to make the money to keep the roof over their head. So sure, what we do is we give them a big vision, we give them something that's bigger than the streets are what they were doing, right. So we give them possibilities. We have them break through their past traumas, I'm actually giving the outline of what we do. When we have them break through their past traumas, we give them a vision for their future, then we give them vocational training. So we give them a job skills. I'm gonna ask them if I asked you about absolutely we give them give them a job skill. After that, we placed them in job. That's wonderful. And I said, Well, I'm opening the door for you. It's up to you to knock it down. Now in this pro in this program, is it for men and women or just for women? It goes for men and women and women, okay? So when a person comes out of jail, they come directly to your organization can come either once they get out or if they're already out. Okay, now, we also serve veterans, we also serve people that are working on the sobriety, homeless, those in poverty and those single parents. Oh, you are you service? A lot of folks here do so is it just you and this organization? Do you have a board? Gosh, I have a board, okay. But I tell you what, my wife, Teresa is the is the glue behind it. I mean, she's she's right now she's taking all the phone calls for our next upcoming workshop. beginning of May. Okay. And, I mean, it's just incredible what she does behind the scenes. So tell me a little bit about your workshop coming up in May. Okay. Well, we haven't worked up.
Unknown Speaker 12:50
We partnered with an organization called UNLV. Trio, okay. And we hosted at UNLV. Actually, they're the ones who host the the workshop, it is a five day workshop. Okay, we do three days of emotional intelligence training, we work first day one we work on, on the past. So we talked about the past. Day two, we talk about the present. And then day three, we work on a vision for the future. Okay, so everyone leaves with an I tip my hand, everyone leaves with a personal contract to themselves with themselves. Okay. So they actually have a affirmation that they create for themselves, that can actually help them break them through some of those tough times. And they may face I'm glad you're sharing this information for me with me because one of our clients has a 100 black men in Las Vegas. And we get calls all the time, from different organizations that have people that fit that would work in your in your, in your organization to come, you know, learn about themselves and try to get better and get back on their feet. So I'm glad you shared this with me. So now I can share it with them. I appreciate call me all the time. We take calls all the time. So I mean, we have we have a we host a workshop every single month. Okay. So usually it's the beginning of each month, we have an orientation, we just want to make sure everyone knows what they're walking into.
Unknown Speaker 14:07
And people say, What do you mean, what am I walking into, you know, I let them know this, this
Unknown Speaker 14:14
workshop is designed to push your buttons. The only way that we can spot the trauma is by the person reacting to a particular situation. So all of our, our workshop is not lecture. It's it's
Unknown Speaker 14:31
it's actually a form of participate participation. So where they're involved 100% in in a process and they get to examine and see what they're feeling inside as they're going through this process. That's fantastic. So if you would like more information on chosen for success, www CHOSENFO are succ You
Unknown Speaker 15:00
That is chosen for, you can visit their website and they'll tell you all about the organization, about the workshops they have coming up about the different age groups of folks that they help out. So you can visit again, chosen for Or if you want to, you know, visit their offices speak with them in person, right? And can they come speak with you in person? Absolutely. And they are located in Henderson, Nevada. And the address is 2654, West horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite b 5136, Henderson, Nevada 89052. Or you can give them a call at 702-672-8654. I will give you the information again, if you'd like to contact them. It is 70267 to 8654. And we are speaking today with Mr. Rodney Taylor. He is the executive director of chosen for success. I really I really like your program. And I really like what he's doing for the community. How many people do you think you've helped over the over the years? Oh, my gosh.
Unknown Speaker 16:16
3000 4000 people? That's wonderful. Yes. And that's when we look at we look at each person that we that we support, and we solid support, because they're the ones who are actually doing the work. Because, you know, in this in these processes, they have to put in the effort, right? So we're helping one person actually helps an entire family. That's fantastic. That's fantastic. So what else you got coming down the pipeline? Rodney, we have our housing. Okay, tell me a little bit about this. So we were doing trends are involved in transitional housing, we will have by the end of this year,
Unknown Speaker 16:54
right around 50 beds. Okay. So individuals that are that fall into those categories that I just mentioned, whether you know, formerly incarcerated, working on sobriety, single parent beds, or homeless will have an opportunity to have placed a roof over their head. Now, does this is a cost to anyone or is it complimentary? Well, right now, there is a cost. Eventually, it will be complimentary. Okay. All right. So do you have housing in one particular area of Las Vegas? Or is it all over? Right now? We're downtown, downtown, all of our
Unknown Speaker 17:29
excellent homes are downtown, downtown area in the downtown area. Okay. So if I were like, say, a disabled vet, and I needed somewhere to stay, it would just be like a studio apartment or a one bedroom? Or what is it? Like? What is it like it is a home? Full House also Full House full? House, okay, we have roughly three people to a room, okay. And depends on the size of the room. Some of the rooms are larger, some smaller, but roughly three people to a room, you have a bed you have access to all the amenities of the home. Okay, so now in this is part of chosen for success is this is an umbrella of chosen umbrella. Okay, but they can but anyone who's interested, they can contact you with the same information to find out about. Okay, that's great. Did you hear that Las Vegas, if you know of a veteran that's in need of somewhere to stay, they can get more information from chosen for success. And again, we'll share the contact information, which is 702-672-8654. Again, that's 70267 to 8654. You may have a family member that is a disabled vet, or a veteran that meets the criteria and meet somewhere safe and clean to stay. So what else you got for me, Rodney? Rodney limited. Rodney is an entrepreneur and his hands are in many different things. He cannot just do one thing, he would be totally bored. So Ronnie, tell us what else you got going on. That was that was one of the biggest things, it took a while for us to really get this off the ground. This is something that actually wrote about while I was incarcerated. I said, you know, one of the biggest issues that I've discovered as top talking men that were incarcerated,
Unknown Speaker 19:14
they didn't have a place to go.
Unknown Speaker 19:17
Or they're going back to the same environment that they came from. So even if they want to change, it's difficult to change when you're going back to the same environment that holds all your triggers. So I said, you know, we need to, we need to discover a way for men and women to actually step away from that environment, right, create their own path, and then move forward towards a vision. That sounds like a plan. Sounds like a plan. So now what else you got happening? What else do I have? But
Unknown Speaker 19:47
we think what do you have for the entrepreneurs? Oh, yes, ma'am. Now, while I was while I was supporting
Unknown Speaker 19:59
Unknown Speaker 20:00
they'll be while actually on employee envy.
Unknown Speaker 20:04
There was a ARPA grant that came out. Now this grant was for business owners in the city of Las Vegas. So I had to rediscover the boundaries of the city. So any any business that's in the city of Las Vegas, and I can talk about this because I'm not working there anymore. Absolutely. Okay. If I was working there, there was a don't talk about this because you can't advertise this type of grant. Right. Now. It's a grant for entrepreneurs. It's a $10,000. Grant. And
Unknown Speaker 20:33
any businesses located in the city of Las Vegas automatically qualifies. Okay. And so what what are some of the items the grant covers? The grant covers? bonuses, it covers payroll, it covers training, it covers transportation, it covers childcare, it will even cover rent. Oh, that's fantastic. Yes, that is fair. And so if there's an entrepreneur out there that wants to find out more information, where would they go to learn about that employee in Okay, also, library on Charleston and Torrey Pines. Once again, I can't give out their information, right. At the same time, I can let entrepreneurs know. So each business that you own, you qualify for $10,000. Okay, now, let me ask you a question. If you fill out an application, is this a flat $10,000 I sent to you or is this a reimbursable loan, where you have to show that you paid these bonuses and payroll and then you get reimbursed? Yes, it's reimbursable. Grant. Okay, so first, you have you pay the bonus, and then you reimburse for the bonus. Okay, for businesses that are just getting started? I mean, our businesses that are established, I mean, why not? If I saw $10,000 in the parking lot, I would not step over it, I promise you, right, I'll definitely pick it up this a great opportunity for any business in the city of Las Vegas to get $10,000 for each business that they own. So how long is this grant going for? How long? Is it going to the end of the year? Do you need to apply by before September October? I would say do it quickly?
Unknown Speaker 22:08
I believe it ends June 1 Oh, June 1. Okay, I believe it's June 1, June 1, I believe is when it ends. So entrepreneurs, you have about six weeks you have time to to go to their website, or give them a call to find out the information and get your application and, and again, it's a reimbursement grant. So if you already have employees and their W two, all you need to do is just show you know your W two forms, and you will get reimbursed for paying them. If you want to. If you have already given your employees a bonus already, you can show the paperwork from that. Or if you want to give them a bonus before June, you can absolutely give them a bonus and then get reimbursed for that. Also equipment. If you need to buy equipment for your business, you can get reimbursed for that equipment as well. So employ to find out about the $10,000 grant that you can have for your business to help you out.
Unknown Speaker 23:01
Fantastic. I like it. And we and listen Las Vegas, we told you about this a couple of months ago actually, we told you about this last last year because we met Ronnie and Ronnie told us about it last year and we told you about it last year. And if you were listening, you may have given him a call. I know several people to give him a call when he was in that position doing doing that job. But now he's not. So that's why he can talk about now you can call his co workers who are there.
Unknown Speaker 23:25
And you can talk to them about the grant. Well, that is fantastic. Rodney, I'm so excited. It's so nice to meet you in person. Thanks for coming on.
Unknown Speaker 23:34
It was really a pleasure. It was very informative. And I will be sharing the information I learned today with with everybody that I know appreciate. Thank you so much. Yes, go. Vegas, Las Vegas. Well, it's Saturday morning and we're coming to the end of our time. Again, just want to remind you about a couple of upcoming events. The 100 Black men of Las Vegas virtual youth cooking class is taking place on the 30th of April at 6pm. For more information And the fire and ice ball. Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity are having the fire and ice ball and you can wear your fabulous and most comfortable kicks with your black tie event and come celebrate and help them raise funds for the scholarship. It's a scholarship fundraiser and it's for the student organizations that they work with. And so if you want to come and support a good cause helping a child get to college, then you can check out ticket For more information to visit. Also a heads up the 100 black men 25th anniversary scholarship celebration is taking place on June the 29th June 29 is the 25th year anniversary scholarship fundraiser for the 100 black men in Las Vegas. Well anyway, Las Vegas you've been listening to Let's Talk with Leah and Rhonda Lee is out of town this weekend but I'm here with you and we've been here
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Are with Mr. Rodney Taylor is a fantastic, beautiful Saturday morning. Please get out and get your exercise in and have all your employees today. Well, I'm gonna sign out right now. I'll probably see you No, I won't see you. I'll probably yeah, I'll see you next week next Saturday Lea be back and we'll be right back at it. Thanks Las Vegas for listening to Let's Talk with Lee and Rhonda on K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. Have a good one. Bye.
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