Rediscovering Peace and Purpose: The Power of Personal Transformation with Tiffany D. Lloyd

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a Kun V studios original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 jazz and more the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. You

Unknown Speaker 0:27
music, hi. My name is Leah Crawford, and I'm Rhonda Nolan, and you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Hey, hey, hey,

Unknown Speaker 0:39

Unknown Speaker 0:40
morning, Las Vegas. This is Leah Crawford. Rhonda wasn't able to make it with us today, but we're gonna send her much love, positive energy, and Rhonda will be here the fall next week. Y'all Guess what? CCSD goes back to school on Monday. The summer break is over, so Monday morning, might want to leave a little bit earlier, because the school busses will be out, the children will be out. Nasir Thompson, my rising eighth grader. Yes, we made it to the eighth grade. Eighth grade. I bring it out to NA. Shout out to NAS, because what I want to say today, I have a very special guest. Y'all, we're in for a pleasant surprise. I have known this woman. How long have we known each other? Almost 20 years. Almost 20 that's that's a minute. That's a you want to know what it is, right? So, almost 20 years. So I want to introduce you to miss Tiffany D Lloyd. I put the D out there because she said, No, Tiffany. D Lloyd, okay. D Lloyd, Tiffany has a coaching and consulting business, but what I love about Tiffany Is she brings energy, and she talks about energy a lot, but she talks about it differently and helps you to look at yourself in a different way, in a different light. So Tiffany, welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 2:03
Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here today.

Unknown Speaker 2:06
I'm excited to have you. I'm excited All right, so first of all, who is Miss Tiffany D Lloyd? Well,

Unknown Speaker 2:13
Tiffany D Lloyd is She's a native of Las Vegas, born and raised daughter of Jocelyn and Barry Oates, hey, granddaughter to Reverend AJ Thompson. Hey, the founder, the builder and the creator of the first mega church in Vegas, victory, missionary, Baptist Church. That's my legacy here in the valley, Tiffany,

Unknown Speaker 2:41
you know and, and I guess introducing to others they don't know the rich history on the west side. And Reverend AJ, Reverend AJ, grandbaby, I

Unknown Speaker 2:51
am reverend. AJ, grandbaby, and proud to be it. And Christine Thompson, I can't leave out my grandma, because she was, she's the foundation of who we are and where I am today is because of her.

Unknown Speaker 3:03
And I want to tell you guys. So when I talk about the Fourth of July party, the Fourth of July party and the sparkles and the food and stuff, Tiffany and I, we're there, um, bells and whistles on, shout out to Henrietta. So Henrietta, if you're listening, hey, hey, TT Hey.

Unknown Speaker 3:19
What up auntie?

Unknown Speaker 3:20
What up auntie, so, coaching and consulting. Let's talk about the coaching. Why did you how did you get into coaching?

Unknown Speaker 3:30
I was just talking to someone last week about my foundational coaching so and about it's 2014 was when I started. I was the executive director for communities and schools, okay? And I was, I was completely burned out, right? I was not functioning within my family. I was always either on a radio show in a board meeting on, you know, Channel Five news in the morning at this thing, at this and I stopped being a wife. I stopped being a mother for I recognized it about six months before I left, and it was just like it was running me, and I was while I initially loved the work that I did, it community based right, we're helping the kids, right?

Unknown Speaker 4:18
Children going to school on Monday.

Unknown Speaker 4:19
So if you guys shout out to all the schools that have communities and schools on their campuses, amazing program, right? But it was time for me to go. Okay, I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know what I was going to do next, but I knew that that wasn't it anymore.

Unknown Speaker 4:36
Well, but, but you've done a lot of but you've had a few community jobs because no, absolutely was the last but yes, Nevada Partners

Unknown Speaker 4:42
I was at, I started off with Jr W concepts, right? The family nonprofit, right? And we were contracted through Nevada Partners, okay? And so I worked with them first. So I've been working nonprofits since I was 16 years old, right? Because

Unknown Speaker 4:56
Mom All right, because your mom Shouts out to your mom because she had. A gospel music

Unknown Speaker 5:02
workshop, right? City wise, someone's trying to vamp it and right now, and they're like, they have no idea what they're getting into. Well, we're gonna

Unknown Speaker 5:09
love one of them, because, just to give you back, because citywide was, yeah, absolutely amazing. Yes, it was. But the work that the work to get it there, and I think a lot of times, people see the end result

Unknown Speaker 5:22
Absolutely, and they don't see what's behind the scene and all the blood, sweat and tears that has to go into that, plus the food is

Unknown Speaker 5:29
good every night. Shout out to Henrietta again, because the food is good every night. Yeah, that

Unknown Speaker 5:36
community workshop was what brought kids together in in ways that have it's never been done, done since, um, and then the activities that went on throughout the week and what they learned, and the different breakout classes and the exposure that they had no and my mother was not one to turn you away because you couldn't pay. So if you couldn't pay, you still going to be up in that choir stand at the end of the week and you're going to perform. And the growth of that, it was so beautiful until it wasn't right, everything is until it wasn't. And I think that's what I want to talk about today as it pertains to my current business. But let's get back to it. Let's get back so the coaching, so the coaching, come on. So 2014 quit my job, slept for literally a week. I was just reflecting on this with Matthew, actually, and he was like, Mom, I cannot believe you slept an entire week, but I did. I was exhausted, mind, body, spirit and soul like I slept for an entire week. When I finally got up out of bed, I was sitting, I remember sitting in the middle of my bed, and I started praying and meditating, and started getting instructions. I had no idea what Sierra was talking about. When I was getting the instructions, I was literally told that I should start coaching. Okay? And then I also was told that you need to study the Akashic records. At this point, I've never heard of records. What are you talking about? So that took me down an entire Avenue, and how I became certified and licensed as a life coach, and over the span of 10 years, decade, yeah, it's been a decade, and I grew my my Grammy grew, my business grew, my clients grew, but it took me a while to see that my growth was like directly connected to my clients, like they would come in and we would have sessions, and I will always have a prayer that I would pray before each of my clients and I would also, I would always pray, you know, what are you showing me? About me through this experience? Right? Every single time it was my mirror, it was my mirror, and I was always told, No, yeah, this is growing, but it's to get you to your next. And I started realizing that that was a theme that was happening with everybody around me. We look at things and we want to, you know, dig our heels in, and this is who I am, and this is what I do, and we're going to ride it until the wheels fall off. And for me, that's the external ego journey, that this is what I am, but we this is an evolutionary journey. We're always growing, we're always changing. We're always expanding. And when we dig our heels into something, that's when we stop and we become stagnant. So they light on your feet, people, you have to stay light on one thing my mom always tells me is, she was like, you know, this life is an ocean. And she was like, You need to surf. She's like, you need to start. Shout out to Jocelyn. But

Unknown Speaker 8:45
the funny thing about surfing, right? So you don't know how deep the water is. You do not don't know how deep the water is. All you know you got to catch the wave and you ride that one, and you don't know when you're going to fall off the fall off the but it's okay, because you can get

Unknown Speaker 8:56
back up exactly. Sharks will

Unknown Speaker 8:59
depend on what type of waters you what type of waters you are in, all right, so you can listen to the, let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Leah Crawford and again, you know, shout out to my co host, Rhonda Nolan, Rhonda, we are looking forward to seeing you when you come back. So you are coaching. You are coaching. How can people get in contact with you

Unknown Speaker 9:19
so you can get in touch. 70237203671.

Unknown Speaker 9:24
More time, 702-372-0367.

Unknown Speaker 9:31
Is the easiest way to get in touch with me. I

Unknown Speaker 9:33
love it. So with the consulting, so you got the coaching on, so you're guided to start coaching. Okay, oh, so

Unknown Speaker 9:40
let me finish my story. Go ahead, finish. So been doing this for almost 10 years, and then got to a hard stop, and it was literally, you're being redirected. And I was just like, wait, I have so much more to do right here, right and so at this time, I was building an. Online community, where, for me, sanctuary is everything. The basis of my coaching and the spaces that I coach in is I build a safe space for people to open up to themselves, their potential and they can. They're able to be honest with themselves in my spaces and spaces that they're not able to do. You know, they're not able to do it other places. I have people who have, I've I I've coached pastors. I've coached and what's so funny about coaching pastors is is like, I'm the confessional. They can come and they can be completely honest with me, and and, but they, but they can't be that way with their wives. They don't feel like they don't feel like they can actually to their congregation, right? I will in that safe space for them, but I'm like that with all my clients, with my child clients, with my adolescent clients, with multi millionaire clients, it's always been the same. They don't understand why. They could just go in and to me, right? But it's a safe space and the gift that lies within me to be able to see things at the root of it, right? So that's why we can able, we can work together to build to the next, right? Where are you trying to be? What are you wanting to do? So that brings me back to hard stop, to what I was doing and where I'm being guided to now. Okay, we just recently had this conversation, and I the and it was interesting, because it's about transition. It's about life's transition, and we're constantly having to pivot. So it's about how do I pivot to my next? And what is my next? What is next? Sometimes you know you're in this void, and you feel like you're lost and you don't know which direction to take. So you're looking at all the externals, right? You're looking at somebody to give you the answers, and the answers are right inside of you, but if you can't get to them, then what is the math? You're going to keep spiraling. So one of the things that I do, and what I like to do, is get to the root of it, and allow you to see so that we can work our way out of the void, work your way. And so now, because of where I am in my personal journey, I want to work with people who are actively transaction, transitioning out of old lifestyles, whatever that looks like, right? My old lifestyle was the Mary, Tiffany, the one who was, you know, I'm transitioning out of that. So it's like there's so much that's going on behind the scenes, outside of the separating of self, separating of finances, separate. There's this whole internal separation that's happening. And it's interesting, because it's like you go through the ebbs and flows of it, but to come out on the other side healthy and not hating the other person, but being in gratitude for what was taught to you during that situation. Yeah, you

Unknown Speaker 12:51
got well. And we won't. We won't get into that on the air, because I know

Unknown Speaker 12:54
we go talk, because that's a whole different conversation from conversation. We're

Unknown Speaker 12:58
gonna go to dinner on that one, yes, but there's so many areas of life that apply the same. But you've seen me go through it. I've seen you go through it. You've seen me go through it several times.

Unknown Speaker 13:10
And Amen, you have, you have, I have, but see, I

Unknown Speaker 13:16
mean, because we've, well, we've known each other for almost 20 years, and you've seen me? Yes, you, I mean, you saw me start the business. You saw all the things, right? You've seen me, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 13:27
and, but I think business is about evolving, and we have to constantly evolve ourselves so that our businesses can effectively evolve externally, right? Right? And when we stop internally evolving, then that's when everything becomes stagnant, and we're wondering, like, why the money not flowing, why the growth isn't coming, and why I'm not having the same connections that I had in the past. And it's because there's something internal.

Unknown Speaker 13:55
And what I you want to what I've learned in the spiritual, emotional and health journey is when you hit that block and you start really knocking on it and addressing what the blockage is, and the tears start coming, and they flow different, yeah, because what I would tell my girlfriends when we're having our girl conversations, if the tears aren't coming from your feet. If you can't feel that energy, you didn't hit it yet. Keep working. You're not there yet. Not there going. Keep going. Got it going? Keep on. Keep on hitting. Because when you have that cry, right? It's like no other I agree, and it's refreshing. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 14:36
recently met a woman from LA and she was talking about, she just moved to Vegas, recently divorced, and she said, I've been married for 25 years. I don't know my life outside of what I've known for 25 years. She goes, You know, my husband was a millionaire. I'm used to living in, you know, a. My she goes, my house is 4000 square feet in LA, you know, I'm here in a condo, she said, but this is the most peace I've felt in years. And we talked, and she would ask me, will you, would you be willing to create a space for women like us? And I was like, Honey, I'm already on it. And we talked about that, so I want you to come back on when you get the retreat yes together to expose our listeners yes to the retreat that we, that we talked about you doing and being in that healing space, that healing space because it's different. It is definitely different, and my heart is with taking leaders out of their spaces of stress, out of the everyday grind and being coming to a space, and maybe it's just for one day, what? Maybe it's for two days, but it's a true retreat to, like, break away from everything, so that you can reconnect within yourself and that you could be stronger to go out and fight another day. But the space I want to create, right? And, you know? And I don't want to do it anymore, just individually. I want to create large spaces that I want to create it in HR spaces. I want to create it in spiritual spaces. So that's the direction I'm taking.

Unknown Speaker 16:17
Wow. I i love it. I I I love it on so many levels, because you talk about a safe space, you talk about being able to be vulnerable, because in order to blah and to really dig in, you have to become vulnerable absolutely and honest with yourself. And that's and what's your? I mean, what is your? What is your? What is I don't want to say your truth, because we always say your truth. How can you be honest with yourself? What does that look like? It's,

Unknown Speaker 16:49
I think it's a layering, because sometimes we live lives that are such a lie that you there's so many layers, though you peel back the onions. But because this is what's frustrating about the work that I do. I have a gift from God that allows me to see problems at their root, outside of the minutia. I see your soul, and it's usually very beautiful, very pure, and it's peeled back from all of the layers, right? So my work usually is helping you to peel back the layers to get to that purity within yourself so you can remember who you are, because that's where your power is. That's where your power lies. And so when you remember who you are, that's when this realm opens back up to you. Right now, because of where we are time on this timeline, what's happening is anything that's not authentic to your true self is shutting down, so doors are closing, doors will not open. There is no functionality in just existing, just to exist anymore. People are checking out left and right, and it's because they're tired, but they don't know how to get to the internal aspect of them being I help people do that. It's a beautiful gift. I call it a gift and a curse sometimes, because a lot of people have no desire to actually do the work they want you to fix them, and you can't. No it's all a self journey. And so I think when I'm meeting with clients, I'd like to everything is when I was a professor, everything I put it in layman's terms, because not everybody knows big terminology. They don't know three syllable words sometimes, and that's okay, because everything needs to be accessible to people, right? So to be able to put everything in layman's terms, so that they can understand that this is what's happening, and this is how we get from here to here. In layman's terminology, I

Unknown Speaker 18:44
told y'all, we were in Portugal, and I wanted to share because Tiffany and I have had these conversations for 20 Forever,

Unknown Speaker 18:50
forever, forever, ever.

Unknown Speaker 18:54
It's like you when you meet people, you know when you're ready for the lesson, the teacher appears so y'all, I think we were ready for this lesson, because it took me some time to get her, you know, for us to come together for to bring her on the show

Unknown Speaker 19:07
here. Because this is everything has a space and time, and there is the right space and time for this conversation, right space and time for the and it's not just for us. It's literally for the collective. It's and

Unknown Speaker 19:18
we have some good we have some and what I can say is, wherever you are, wherever you are, and some people you, you you're, you got all this stuff, and then realize you're still not happy,

Unknown Speaker 19:30
because we are programmed for the stuff. It's with our third. Our third eyes are looking past what this carnality is, right? So we talk about dimensions a lot in my world, right? And we exist the heart, right? Here is third dimension stuff. Third Dimension stuff is, go get rich. You know, fall in love. Fall out of love. Have the kids, get the white piston fence and the dog and get your retirement. Ball out. That is not where your satisfaction lies. That's part of the playground. But if you can't get internally into your to your true being, it's not going to remain a playground for long.

Unknown Speaker 20:13
Well, see, I love what you said about the woman that had to transition from the identity because she identified the 25 years being married a certain lifestyle, but changing that, she found peace.

Unknown Speaker 20:26
She said, I have not felt this peace in over 25 years, and I will take my two bedroom condo over that lifestyle any day now. She says, it's peaceful.

Unknown Speaker 20:35
It's peace, I can tell you, because you know well, you know not well. You know me as the person that don't cook. It doesn't. Tiffany, I love the kitchen now, oh my god, you'll

Unknown Speaker 20:45
be cooking, though. Oh

Unknown Speaker 20:46
my all types of stuff. We talk about chicken, fettuccines, all types of salads. I did a macaroni and cheese greens. I took the Dave Wait, I took the right that's what I said. The Greens from off the top of the beets, chopped them up, mix them with some cabbage. I just all types of interesting, creative things, right? Because it was like, you want to know what I like to eat. I enjoy the kitchen. It works. And you know me as a you will look by it. Well, we'll sit there and talk to you while I you know, and NAS last was now my daughter, like, oh, so when you cooking, what, Mom, when you

Unknown Speaker 21:25
right there, right? That's foreign, right?

Unknown Speaker 21:27
But not it was me understanding what my truth was. Yes, absolutely I enjoy. I mean, I like to eat and I want to eat healthy. I would

Unknown Speaker 21:36
like to add truths change,

Unknown Speaker 21:39
yeah. Oh, okay, so

Unknown Speaker 21:40
it depends on where we are, what season we're in in our lives. Truth change. They're not gonna remain the same throughout your life, and it's it's literally upon us to determine when it's time to let go of an old truth and adapt a new one, but on your own terms, not based on what the world's telling you your truth is supposed to be,

Unknown Speaker 22:01
got it? I love it. I love it so to contact Miss Tiffany D Lloyd, 702-372-0367 you can text, say it one more time.

Unknown Speaker 22:15
You can text or call me, 702-372-0367

Unknown Speaker 22:21
I love it. I act. I love it, guys. And what I love is, this is who she really is, absolutely so when you talk to her, even when you're coached by her, No, this is who she is. It's not something, not something that's made up something this is this has evolved internally over time, over time. So let's talk about the consulting. What's the consulting about?

Unknown Speaker 22:50
So my consulting usually is with small businesses for within and I want to do more of this within their HR department, okay, and helping them to identify issues with their employees and come in and do workshops with them to help them move past certain issues that they're having. I'm not really into the harassment area, but just my thing is, I'm a whole person outside of this job and being able to show up authentically at work, there are barriers that we have to go through. I want to expand my services to actually offer that within the HR area. Within organizations call

Unknown Speaker 23:29
it, well, what we're terming it? Because, you know, I'm

Unknown Speaker 23:31
studying that too, employee well being. Yeah, it's employee well being, and they call it employee well being, employee health. And what's the term that I just learned this week? And I was like, Oh, that. Oh, that was new to me, but it's all the same thing, just different terminology, different

Unknown Speaker 23:46
terminology. Because what, um, what we're noticing is a lot of companies are realizing that focusing on the profits and not the people exact, you have to focus on the people, because the people drive you getting or not getting to the profit Exactly. So the people have to be okay in order to

Unknown Speaker 24:01
get to the profit and especially if you have an a valued employee, how do we keep them and keep them from burning out or feeling underappreciated or unappreciated? How do we keep these employees? Because we understand that we make up 80% of their time anyway, right? They're there all day. Every day, they go home and visit their families, right? And they go to sleep, right? So their well being needs to be built in structurally, within the organization. So

Unknown Speaker 24:29
like the way you put that, absolutely? I like the way you put that, because when I'm taking care of you all day long, absolutely, then when you come, I mean, when you come to work, it's not a hassle, right? You enjoy being there,

Unknown Speaker 24:40
your pleasure at home, and you feel like there's a level of reciprocity you're giving to I'm giving to you, and you're giving to me as well, right? The

Unknown Speaker 24:47
work life, but, and then you got that work life balance, all these cute coin terms, exactly, I love it. I

Unknown Speaker 24:52
love it. So, yeah, well, tip, um,

Unknown Speaker 24:54
it's been a plum pleasing pleasure. I mean, I you have. Consulting. You have the

Unknown Speaker 25:02
coaching. Oh, and I wanted to give a shout out. Hold on. Get your shout out. I want to give a shout out to Russell. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 25:10
who's Russell, Russell Whitmore. What

Unknown Speaker 25:13
Russell Whitmore?

Unknown Speaker 25:14
You want pleasure

Unknown Speaker 25:16
of connecting with him? Hey, Ross. Hey Ross. And I really, really love the fact that,

Unknown Speaker 25:22
did you tell him? I said, Hi, I

Unknown Speaker 25:23
did. And he said, tell the

Unknown Speaker 25:25
I said, hi.

Unknown Speaker 25:27
You want you want to know what's so interesting today? So

Unknown Speaker 25:30
Russell Whitmore is with the Las Vegas entrepreneur accelerator. I want to, I always want to say small business, but it's not the accelerator. It's just the entrepreneur accelerator. I always get the name wrong, but I'm excited that I connected with him, and how a lot of times when I speak with people initially about my business, it's like, over their head. He got it. He was just like, he really, really got it. And I'm excited to work with him. It's

Unknown Speaker 25:56
funny, because I was a friend of mine, his family tree is the Whitmore family tree. Oh, back east, okay. And I thought about Russ. I'm like, Oh, my God, would it be amazing if they are really related? Maybe, yeah. And maybe that, because Whitmore is not a, you know, not really a common name. But I thought about and I was like, you know, I know a Russell Whitmore. And then I realized, so Russ, it might be time for me and you to connect. Because I see Russ every once in a while walk, when I'm walking downtown, okay, lunch or something. Okay, hey, Ross, Hey, Leah, hey. You know maybe it's time for us to it's probably, maybe it's time for because here's his He's been coming up and then a lot of conference and a lot of different or thought, no putting it out there. Well, I'm glad you got a chance to meet him. We totally

Unknown Speaker 26:39
connected. And initially I wanted to only focus on my products. We didn't talk about my products, but I create wellness products to help support you on your wellness journey, such as spiritual baths and body washes and such. And so we initially talked about the marketing piece of that. All right, so

Unknown Speaker 26:58
come on, but one more time with the number, because you got the spiritual bass. 70237203677023720367,

Unknown Speaker 27:10
I have to bring your coaching and consultant, Tiffany D Lloyd coach. Say it again. Say it again.

Unknown Speaker 27:17
Tiffany Lloyd coaching and Tiffany D Lloyd coaching and consulting. At 702-372-0367.

Unknown Speaker 27:26
Well, that brings us to the end of the show. I do have to do real two, real quick announcements, because every week, you know, I talk about public speaking, I want to thank you first, because you know you are coming back. You are coming back pleasure, and I would love to come back, and I would appreciate that. But listen, guys, you know, we always talk about public speaking and as an entrepreneur, just just people in general, just being comfortable, being able to articulate yourself and not have the um. So, as you know, normal Toastmaster, yeah. So we have the virtual Toastmasters with lamb, the linguist, the first and third Monday of the month, and then we have lunchtime talkers, which is the first and third Thursday in person at the Urban Chamber of Commerce. That's cool. You can google both of those. I will get numbers for you, for us to contact the people if you're interested in being a Toastmaster. Also, you know, I'm a proud member of Alpha Kappa, Alpha Sorority, yes, and we are in partnership with, well, it's actually not us, but it is 20 pearls Foundation, and we're having hats and heels, brims and bow ties, 20 pearls foundation coming out, and people just for scholarships the month, the monies go to scholarships for children. But it's hats, heels, brims and bow ties. So mint had heels for the ladies, brims and bow ties for the men. Okay, enjoy an afternoon with us. More information is at LV 20 That's LV 20. The number 20 until next week, guys. My name is Leah Crawford. You have an amazing Saturday and Monday morning. Just know the babies are back in school until next week. Have a beautiful and blessings. Bye. You

Transcribed by

Rediscovering Peace and Purpose: The Power of Personal Transformation with Tiffany D. Lloyd
Broadcast by