Networking, Opportunities, and Graduations: Empowering Las Vegas Entrepreneurs and Students
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 0:29
And I'm Rhonda Nolan.
Unknown Speaker 0:31
And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful
Unknown Speaker 0:35
entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning, Las Vegas. Lea, how're you doing on this bright and beautiful Saturday morning?
Unknown Speaker 0:47
Well, guess what? You know what? Clark County School District the last day of school is Monday. They are out of school for the summer. So I have now a rising eighth grade. Wow. Eighth grade. I you know what? Congratulations to Clark County School District teachers. I know you guys have only have one more day. And it's like, Oh, my God, we got one more day. And then I get this break for the summer. But yeah, the school year is over. That means traffic, it will be light in the morning. That's all that's good. Traffic will be light with all the construction traffic will be light. But they go back to school August 12. So
Unknown Speaker 1:24
oh, that's early? Well, no,
Unknown Speaker 1:25
that's that's that's right. But they get out of school, you know, in the middle of May, right in the middle of May. So congratulations to all the teachers and, you know, school year, and they got a new thing coming out where that next year, they have to have I know this is a public service announcement because I saw it on the web, and they talked about it at the school. So next year, they're going to have their cell phones in these pouches. I heard about that. Right. So they will put their cell phones in these pouches. And you know, my son while we have to put our cell phones into pouches, because you shouldn't be using your cell phone while you're in class. That's right. You should I mean, you should be paying attention to your teacher. learning something, learning something. Hope No, but
Unknown Speaker 2:06
I'm glad they're doing that. Because there's they're so distracted. They can
Unknown Speaker 2:11
be they can be so congratulations again to every knows all the high school graduates, college graduates, you know, high school graduates, you know, now your life is yours. You know, you're done. Done with school.
Unknown Speaker 2:25
Yeah, I think UNLV had their graduation last week. Congratulations to all the UNLV graduates. Good luck out there like a Howard had their graduate. Graduation. Last
Unknown Speaker 2:36
few school. So you don't Yeah, it's graduation times graduation season graduation season. All right. What do you got going on?
Unknown Speaker 2:44
Well, first of all, if there are any newly graduates out there that have have not found a career or job at the bison in Vegas, HBCU career fair, it will take place on Friday, June the seventh from 9am to 4pm. And there will be companies there from all over the country that have jobs in Las Vegas, as well as all over the country. So if you're a recent grad, and you're looking for a new situation, or if you're looking for an internship or fellowship for the bison in Vegas, HBCU alumni career fair? We are the employers are talking to all students. So to answer your question, no, you didn't have to have you didn't have to graduate from HBCU. You just need to be a college graduate. Or maybe you're a professional and you want to change jobs.
Unknown Speaker 3:30
Now, where's
Unknown Speaker 3:31
it going to be at the horseshoe and see what this is is opportunity to speak to someone directly see now today's service, everybody goes online puts in a resume, and somebody may or may not call you for a job, because AI is looking at your resume. And it lists the buzzwords and the buzzwords are not in your resume, they will not go to the HR person or the hiring manager. This is opportunity to meet the HR person or the hiring manager in person to talk to them about your skills, your loves and some of the things you want to do.
Unknown Speaker 4:01
So I can't ask Chet GPT what are the buzzwords that they're looking for? Or copilot? Know?
Unknown Speaker 4:08
You could ask them I don't know if they're gonna answer you.
Unknown Speaker 4:10
Give you the right answers. Because No, honestly, I find myself talking to Chad GPT. Now, yeah, I do. So when I have different questions I used to ask, I'm scared to say to her but ask the thing. And you know, it pops up on your phone and we have a conversation, right? But now I sit at my computer during the day. And when I have questions I just ask, you know, just type I leave it up button. Okay, so what do you think about this man? What do you think about this? Well, no, I don't like that answer. Can you give me another answer? Yeah, so that's another option too, because you have to have the right buzzwords you
Unknown Speaker 4:46
have to and if you don't, then you will never get called in for your dream job possibly. But you can come to this career fair and you'll be able to talk to folks and they're looking for all types of backgrounds. English, math, science, engineering it A medical, whatever your background is some one of the companies at this career fair will have a position for you. And I just want to say last year, every candidate that came to the career fair actually got a good job offer, not a not a basic job offer, they got a good job offer. So I'm very excited. That's
Unknown Speaker 5:16
good. And what I think sometimes we because of technology, we've lost the skill of networking, exactly. Getting out there, putting boots to the ground, and meeting people. And
Unknown Speaker 5:30
it's so important, because I have to tell you about my background. You know, when I was looking for a job coming out of college, we had to do it the old fashioned way, which was create a cover letter and resume and send it in, we had to actually mail it in mail him and he had to know how to fill out an envelope Exactly. So we had to mail him in, and then an HR person would have to open up your envelope, read your resume. And if they thought that you were good for the job, they will call you in front of me because we weren't faxing and upload, no, there was no faxing, there was no upload, there was none of that. And so and so you had opportunity to meet the hiring man, the HR person and the hiring managers in person to discuss your qualifications for say a job. Well, now again, now AI is deciding if you're gonna if you can go and get the first interview. What
Unknown Speaker 6:13
it means is non biased, possibly non biased?
Unknown Speaker 6:17
Unknown Speaker 6:21
That's what I when I think it's not about because when you're meeting people, it became important about first impressions. Yes, I know, when you went to a job interview, there was a certain way that you had to dress for a job interview, there were certain things that you had, you know, just just certain things you had to do in order to prepare for that interview. And I think sometimes we've lost that skill to,
Unknown Speaker 6:42
I believe we have. And that's one of the things that we had our agency we talked to, well, I have a nonprofit, and we talked to students about that we talked about that last art of making sure that when you do get the interview, whether it's digital or in person that you look the part, you know that you have the proper clothing, wardrobe, to hair and hair, hair, makeup, nails, you know, everything you're doing because they're they're judging you, you know, the folks that are interviewing, interviewing you, and they're judging you, and they're trying to say, hey, does this person is this person gonna fit in with our culture? Is this person going to fit in with a team, you know, everything is a team, now everything is attained. So collaboration, collaboration, it is it's not just you're not just working with one person, you're working with multiple people, you know, and you might be working with multiple people in the same state or around the country. But they're watching you. They're looking they're seeing and it's so very much important. But yes, we do the HBCU alumni group, we do a career and professional development program, along with 100 Black men here on UNLV campus. And we had a good season. This spring, we had wonderful students come out, we had employers come out from different companies, we had Live Nation, we had MGM, and they came out and spoke to the students, the HR people and told them exactly what they were looking for, you know, and we talked about, you know, dress code, we talked about behaviors, we had some senior, seasoned human resources, directors from around the country come in, and it was just really good. It was just good information for young people to know, because everybody doesn't work their way through college. There's some students that just go to school. And so when it's time for them to graduate,
Unknown Speaker 8:17
they don't have any skills, they don't have any skills, because they are not familiar, because I don't know, if they are taught. I know when we were in school, you wanted that internship, right? And you wanted the internship. And more than likely it was the company that you will work for post graduation, because you got your offer going into your senior year, right of what they you know, and depending on what I was an accounting major, you know, you had to pass the CPA exam within a certain time period. But the offer was there because they were grabbing the accountants they needed. They needed accountants, so and even in other majors, students were interning with the government just doing different things. And like I said, you got that offer, begin the fall semester of your senior year, so you knew where you were going, right?
Unknown Speaker 9:03
If what I like about internships, I remember is that every summer I worked somewhere different. So I got a chance to work at different companies and learn different things in different company cultures. So by the time I graduated, I kind of knew, you know, who I might want to work for, you know, but I didn't have a job when I graduated. So I saw I know a lot of grads don't have everybody doesn't have a job offer, you know, some of those some of the students that are lucky enough to get one that's fantastic. But for students like me, who did not have a job offer, you know, a career fair would have been great. However, I did get a job right out of college and microwave seat,
Unknown Speaker 9:34
you know, though, because I know a lot of times No, you didn't know like, I know, when we sit my room, I dropped my daughter off at school. And they know a lot of incoming freshmen. Yeah. And you might you can't go to everything. No, and I just so happened to go to a web. One of the forums where they were talking about exchange students, and it was only 100 of us in the room and there were probably Probably 5000 Incoming freshmen, right, and they were explaining to us, if your child has the opportunity to go abroad for a semester, they should let them don't, you know, don't get scared, because Oh, my child's going across the country. And when we came back, I was, you know, she actually had the opportunity to go, she didn't go for a semester, she went for one of the summer breaks. And she got a chance to go to Africa for six weeks. So it's like, you have to be exposed, you have to know and it is a family. I mean, for us, it was a family thing in helping her get through college. And a lot of people are in silos. Yeah. Going through college. And it's hard because you don't know what you don't know. Right. And you don't know what you could be exposed to.
Unknown Speaker 10:45
That's very true. Because I had a student I was working with. I'm so proud of her. She's a Howard student, but she was a chemistry major. So she didn't have she didn't intern, she didn't have a job, she should have time, right? She's trying to go to med school. Well, she she's taken a year off before med school, and she came back and she says, Hey, I haven't been getting any bites for any jobs. So I said, Well, let's look at your cover letter and resume. So we reworked our cover letter and resume. And then as soon as she turned it in, she got a job. So that is those are the services that we offer at the at for the HBCU alumni group. We help students, we help students get to where they want to go, we help grass get to where they want to go. And so that's why I decided to partner with 100 Black man on the Korean professional development workshop. And we do it every spring. Yep. And
Unknown Speaker 11:26
I have a potential partnership for you guys as well. Okay, because my daughter has uplift legal. Yes. So uplift legal. You can follow them on Instagram, LinkedIn. What they did this semester was for students that want to demystifying the legal field. And she works with HBCU students that want to go into law school, supports them through law school, and then helps them get jobs in the larger firms. And she's working on her second or third cohort. And I was just amazed because she took a group of students to New York, they went to Louis Vuitton, one of the big firms and they said and interned and talk to attorneys, and just to see what it what, what, what is what is the culture like, and the larger firms. And I was watching and I was like, Oh, my God, just amazing, because you might want to be a lawyer, but might not know how to exactly because you're not exposed to it. It was one lady on there. She was a first generation college student. So she's the first one in her family to go to law school. And she's like, Ah, she appreciated being mentored. You know, if you're in the silo, find a mentor. That's right. Just find a mentor find, I mean, and you might have to talk to a few people. So you might have to come out of that bubble a little bit. And talk to some people but Rhonda desk amazing what you guys are doing here on campus. Felt very excited about that. Yeah, and another thing, I'm NABBA so NAB is coming here. Nab us convention, NAB. Napa is the National Association of Black accountants. So there will be 1500 accountants, wow, bean counters. Here out of towners here. And the big four will be represented KPMG Ernst and Young Deloitte and Touche, not all of them will be represented a chance to see and meet some of the baddest black minds and in the country here in the city of Las Vegas for their convention. And I am happy that we have a Las Vegas chapter I will bring forth more information so you can network with the CPAs that are here locally. And NAB now it's about business owners. I'm trying to get them on the show. So they can talk about the new mission nationwide of Napa and what the mission statement is what we're going to do here locally some of the partnerships so we might want to partner with you guys to sure just to talk about what we're doing and how we're doing it because we want to I mean, its exposure is exposure. I'm excited because we have our chapter here. We have now been around for like four months now. Oh, so I'm excited. I'm excited. Also, we have some new members in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Fantastic and I am Welcome to our new members. If you see them in and around town, I'm sure they are, you know, just glowing, happy. You know, Mrs. Keeper career, you know, Welcome, Mrs. Stephanie. Dr. Stephanie Coleman. Welcome. And then there's 11 more, but welcome our new members and thank you. So our President, Mrs. Keisha Rogers, you know, for spearheading, along with our membership Chairman Dr. Erica Silas
Unknown Speaker 14:44
Welcome to the Divine nine. Welcome.
Unknown Speaker 14:47
Vine. Nine, you know,
Unknown Speaker 14:50
golfers golfers where my golf is in Las Vegas, Las Vegas golfers I have an event for you. It's the fourth annual bison in Vegas HBCU alumni shotgun tournament taking place on Thursday June the sixth at Angel Park. For more information www. Bison in That's www So
Unknown Speaker 15:19
it's bison in Vegas bison and spell in AI in Are you been listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show? I am Leah Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 15:29
I am Rhonda Nolan. And we are so happy to be here on this beautiful Saturday morning. It's a beautiful 80 degrees outside is just perfect. So you've been working out? Yes and no.
Unknown Speaker 15:44
You said the fitting. That's what you said. Yeah, y'all heard it here. I got it taped.
Unknown Speaker 15:49
I did. I did. So I must say that on the 15th. I did not start my day out like I wanted to because I didn't get back here too. late Tuesday night. My flight was delayed from Detroit from hanging out Mother's Day weekend with my mother. And they didn't have a pilot to fly our plane. So we sat in the airport for four hours waiting for a pilot to come. So by time I touched down here, about 1215 Tuesday night I was spent. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 16:22
All right. So we're gonna say we could go We won't give her a pass. But you know, she's supposed to be working out with me. That's right, because I am I am touching my toes every day. Oh, that's actually just touching my face every day. But let's talk about your business though. Outside of the nonprofit. Are you still doing the executive photo shoots?
Unknown Speaker 16:38
So yeah, we still don't we're still doing all types of business development. So yes, that's correct. So we're still doing business plans, marketing plans, forecasting, executive photoshoots social media, digital advertising, all those fun things that companies do need to, to move and shake.
Unknown Speaker 16:56
Okay, so with the executive photoshoot because I know that's my favorite. She loves all those Lena. I love I love the process, because the process is no self awareness. No looking good no matter what size you are. Because I know some people will you know, I don't want to take pictures because I'm too you know, I don't like the way my body looks or something like that. And I don't like my hair. And it's like no, we go through every part you know, we look go through the closet go through the clothes, hair and makeup is done and you totally different. And you probably could look you know, you look good when you with the photoshoot? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 17:35
Yeah. And from those photo shoots, ladies and gentlemen, you come away with a pet shot that you too can use on your LinkedIn page. Again, you do.
Unknown Speaker 17:44
That's a good point. And you have multiple. Exactly could because we encourage you to do like six different looks. Yes, five or six different looks.
Unknown Speaker 17:53
And you know, someone told me you know, because I can't take criticism. They were like, You shouldn't wear your glasses. You should have you should you should wear your glasses. I don't think we were at our we didn't we did not wear our glasses at our first photo shoot. But then I had another photo shoot where I wore my glasses and that's my photo and one of my friends told me You look better without your glasses.
Unknown Speaker 18:16
I was gonna say went into
Unknown Speaker 18:18
our photo shoots we don't wait. So I did a separate executive photo shoot. Look at the see Hi. See how she forgot me y'all. stuff come out on her. No, let me explain. So this is this. This was a photographer that I met through the urban Chamber of Commerce. And she was offering she gave away some free headshots to some small business owner. So I took her up on it. But I've wore my glasses almost in every shot. Like I took them off like one time. And but I looked better and the photos that she took I looked better in the photos with the glasses than I did in the one or two she took what out? So that's why I didn't use it. And but then I said Okay, you're right. Because for me, just me personally, I look younger without my glasses. If I look
Unknown Speaker 18:59
older, younger, my son told me the other day to get get rid of the gray hair. He said because you'd like my grandmother. I was. I'm old enough to be a grandmother. Right? So, grandmother say your friends are correct, but you think I never you want to know I don't think I've done a photoshoot with my glasses. Okay. I don't think I have.
Unknown Speaker 19:15
So I'm gonna start wearing my contacts. I'm gonna take their advice because you know, we all have to listen to other people. So I'm wearing yes afford it. So I'm gonna take the advice and start wearing my stop being lazy and wear my contact lenses because I'm just being lazy putting on the glasses, right?
Unknown Speaker 19:28
Well, no. Do you want to know what though? When I had context, they had to give me two different content. Because of my vision. Yes. It's better for me to just to put on the glasses. I was like, Well, so what if I mess up and put it wrong? Like this a lot of coordination. We just won't keep on wearing glasses.
Unknown Speaker 19:47
I have two different ones also. So I have a right in the right color and they're different. You know, one is for astigmatism and then one is for a near side because you can be nearsighted or farsighted. So it's a little weird. I The reason why I wear my glasses is because I can just see evenly in the glasses. But sometimes it's weird with the console, just
Unknown Speaker 20:06
take the pictures and just take the pictures with the glasses off. Because we do it, I mean, we do it anyway. We I mean, that's what we do, right? Just take the pictures with the glasses. Yeah, that's what I would do. Yeah, I don't I hats off to you, if I see her with context. But the glasses are simpler for me. They're just easier. It's easier just to put them on put it let me grab my eyes and put her eyes on. And then I can see everything. See everything? See everything? So with the business development, though, how long? Does it normally because you offer a bunch of services? Someone wants I'm new client, new business owner? I don't know. Well, I don't know what I need. Do you go through an interview with them to talk
Unknown Speaker 20:50
about we do we have we have a planning session? We talk about their business, talk about them personally, their business, their goals? When do they want to be up and running? What are the necessary paperwork, they have to have licenses and things of that need to be up and running? You know that all that fun stuff? We lay everything else on a timeline? Right? You know, so say if you are looking to get a business plan,
Unknown Speaker 21:12
how long did it take to write?
Unknown Speaker 21:13
It depends on how busy my schedule is. So it just, it just depends on what's in front of it. Like if you come during a slow period, business plan can be written in in a month. Okay? You know, because there's a lot of research to it, you got to do a lot of research, you should so because you got it you got to research your competition, you have to know in the industry and industry and your products is people don't understand how hard it really is. It's not easy. It's not easy. That's why it takes time to do you just don't write a business plan overnight. Got it? Because you got to do the research. So it takes about a month. All right.
Unknown Speaker 21:45
So to contact Ron to 70238, monkey give me give my phone number seven. I am I was can you see I was about to roll with the 382573770290895777029089577. And sometimes you don't as a business owner, you don't know what you don't know. Because I don't do what Rhonda does. Even though I understand business plans, I encourage my clients to write their own. Because you really need to understand what's in the business plan, we review it and make sure that the numbers match what you put in the business plan. Because if they don't match, I mean, they have to go together they do the numbers, the budget needs to match what you what you wrote in your business plan. So we will assist in that part. And we'll possibly read it to see if we see any gaps. But we don't do business plans. What we do on the other end is help you plan because when when you start earning this money, there's a tax liability that comes with it. So we deal with tax resolution, helping clients or people, anybody back taxes, back tax issues, ensuring that we can resolve those issues, because you'll be shocked, you know, if you set up an LLC, but then you decide that you want to be an S corp, well, there's documents that you have to complete, you set up an LLC decide you want to be a C Corp, there are documents that have to complete, you know, I have client they come in and they are well. customers that come in, because they're not clients yet. And they you know, I started this LLC, and I think I'm this, this no thinking the IRS communicates very, you know, they communicate effectively, two or three letters, whenever, you know, they want to say something to you, right, but just having the documentation and ensure you're set up as is your setup, the way you believe that you are set up where you intend to be set up. And then we talk about Okay, so what's the tax planning side of it? What are we doing? What forms do we need to complete? Are you do you have to pay estimated taxes? Are you on payroll, so you're paying your taxes because you're on payroll? Let's have a conversation around the business and we have some, you know, clients, potential clients that come in with large tax bills. And then we talk about you know, are you eligible for offering compromise? Because just because you have a large tax bill, doesn't mean you're eligible, right for offering compromise, but we have the conversation in the safe space because I need you to let it go. Don't only no surprises,
Unknown Speaker 24:21
right? You need to know everything you need to know it might sound bad, they might not bad.
Unknown Speaker 24:26
It's not. You want to know what I'm gonna tell people because I'm someone that approached me because I really, you know, I didn't want to come to you. Because I felt bad. I hadn't done my taxes in the past five years. I was like, Girl, that's easy. Somebody hadn't done their taxes and 20 and came in office. You know, he's like, man, let me tell me I never filed I was like, okay, so we only got to go back six years. I'm not a problem, right. But what I love about our office comfortable, yes. Office. I mean, we're downtown on the corner of sixth and Clark, and it's just us in the building. So when you come in, you know, it's okay. Yeah, we're gonna listen attentively, you have our attention, you know, and I got tissues because sometimes it gets emotional because some people get frustrated right behind it. You know, I didn't do what I was supposed to do. It's okay. It's okay. Let's work through that. But then let's figure out and plan out. What do we need to do? To get you to where you want to be? Right. You know, you're in compliance. You're paying a bill, you know, you because I had some howling, screaming and mad at Partners. Okay, what's next? What do we do? You know how, and I love you know, because there's no judgement, right? It's no judgement, that's the business that we're in. That's what we, we expect it right? And it's okay, no judgement, we want you to be comfortable. Because we have, we learned a lot of information, right? And you have to tell us exactly what's going on. And we help you get the documents. If you got divorce, we need to divorce documents, if you got married, we need a married dive, you know, the marriage certificate. If you had children, you know, we need some birth certificates and some social security cards, maybe some school records, but just exactly. Let us help you to find what we need to give you a good return the best information because if you give me only half the information, I can't, you know, we can't analyze it and talk about it and talk through it. You know, but what I love is I learn more by my clients, because they tell me what I read I saw on the internet, did you? Well, let's look into that. Right? And let's see. Hmm, because I'm a lifelong learner. So you know, okay, let's learn it. I don't know. Let's figure it out. And we do every return. Like it's the first time. So even with the simple clients, we take the time to go through. Okay, What documents do you have? What documents do you need? Did you do this? Well, last year, you gave us this, what happened to that? And we just take the time, and I learned over the years. We want to give out quality returns, not worried about the quantity, right? We want quality returns because I only want to look at your return one time, you know, go through our process of reviewing it several times. But once it's done, that's it. So that's it, you know, and we're going to what's next? Got it. So you've been listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford. I am Rhonda
Unknown Speaker 27:23
Nolan. And we are so glad that you have been with us. This beautiful Saturday morning.
Unknown Speaker 27:29
I forgot Oh yeah, you can contact us at 702-382-5737 Again, 702-382-5737. And my website went live Crawford M I'm so proud of you. Oh my god. It's been three Lord. It's been three years. Crawford M And it's in a splash page. Okay, well, hey, you I started good start off to a good start because I had all the information. I was trying to wait, you know, but thank you. Thank you to everyone that has supported us throughout the years. Thank you. Thank you. It's just been amazing. So, website just went live and we are we are back in business.
Unknown Speaker 28:09
That is fantastic. Listen to Las Vegas, the 100 black men in Las Vegas is celebrating their 25th anniversary with their scholarship fundraiser. It's going to take place on June 29 at Caesar's Palace pool. And you can find out more information on that by visiting www That's www Facebook or Instagram page for the 100 blog went to Las Vegas or their website www 100 B lac kme en la SV ga s.or
Unknown Speaker 28:50
You always say that fast? I'll say it again.
Unknown Speaker 28:54
Okay, so you can visit the 100 black men of Las Vegas is website at www 100 BLACKMENLASVG a s.or.
Unknown Speaker 29:14
All right. Well, you've listened to the last talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 29:18
I'm Rhonda Nolan. And thank you so much for joining us this Saturday. We'll see you next week. All right. Bye.
Transcribed by