Marching Into Change: Community Wellness, Homeownership, and Youth Empowerment
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program.
Unknown Speaker 0:03
The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 0:29
And I'm Rhonda Nolan.
Unknown Speaker 0:31
And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the
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beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning, Las Vegas. Leah. How are you doing on this beautiful Saturday morning the weather Shane? Yes, windy though it is
Unknown Speaker 0:50
very it's very, very windy. I appreciate the window because you know, March is supposed to be the windy month right? Let's come coming to wind and April showers bring May flowers, everything is just Vegas is changing. It is changing. And it's changing. But I know it was very windy. Specially last weekend. It was very after the show last week. It was very, very windy.
Unknown Speaker 1:11
Yeah, it was very windy I stayed in. Once I got back in I stayed in I didn't go back out. But but for those who were out and had to be out because they had to work or do other things. It was it was pretty bad.
Unknown Speaker 1:23
It was pretty, it was pretty bad. I can't say I got one more week than it is my birthday. It's almost My birthday is almost my birthday. I want to first of all, send a shout out to one of our listeners. Miss Diane. Diane, thank you for listening, I so so appreciate you, especially for listening and give us giving me comments on how we're doing on the show. So thank you for listening. I totally totally, totally appreciate you and your husband. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Rhonda, what's going on?
Unknown Speaker 1:56
Oh, it is March. It is March Madness. There's a whole lots of things going on. But from a community perspective, the links incorporated Las Vegas chapter is having the black family Wellness Expo. So my birthday is on your birthday, Saturday, March 16, from 10am to 2pm. At the Martin Luther King, Jr. Senior Center, they'll be outside in the parking lot and there'll be inside the building, and it's gonna be a it's gonna be fun for family. So if you need health care services, and it's time for your mammogram or you want to get your blood pressure check, if you want to do any of those things, all those services will be free. If you want to get checked for HIV, if you want to do any of those things. The Southern Nevada health district will be out there with their different different organizations, their chronic health disease department will be out there and they will be working on your blood pressure, the mammogram, Van will be there and you can come get a mammogram and you can schedule your appointment for your mammogram in advance. Let's see 100 black men in Las Vegas, we'll be out there, they'll be doing blood pressure checks for gentleman who may need it. And then we have Chef D A young he's gotta be preparing some wonderful snacks for the kids in the family. And also they're going to be some bouncy houses out there. So it's gonna be fun. It's a whole big family health event. Now
Unknown Speaker 3:18
what's the name of the events again?
Unknown Speaker 3:20
So it's the black family Wellness Expo. It's going to be on your birthday, march 16. From 10am to 2pm. But
Unknown Speaker 3:27
you're telling me that I need to be there you probably need to be I need to be there. I need to be so part of my birthday I'm going to spend with the links incorporated Las Vegas chapter Exactly. Wellness Fair. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 3:39
if you're interested in getting your flu shots or your COVID shots, they'll be there as well. So all these and the all the services are free. So if you yourself don't need the services, but you know someone who may benefit, please tell them to come by it's open to everybody.
Unknown Speaker 3:52
It's open to everybody I love now do you have to sign up beforehand? Or do you just show
Unknown Speaker 3:57
up? They would love for you to go to Eventbrite and sign up And just RSVP just let you come in. Yeah, I don't know you're coming to make sure to have the right amount of food. No, all the stuff that is needed. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 4:10
on Because, you know, Eventbrite special. It is so special. Special because I go to Eventbrite and if you're special like me, so you're going to Eventbrite and you're looking for you just type in like family Wellness Expo black family Wellness Expo. And it's a great way because if you don't like you don't know what you don't know right? Especially not depending on who you are where you are, unless you want to to doctors on a regular basis. Some people are not and this is a chance for you to basically get a checkup. Exactly checkup go around everybody and just get a checkup just focus on services is
Unknown Speaker 4:44
that especially for men who don't like to go to the doctor, you know, and you probably need your blood pressure checks you know, and you know, again, don't like going to the doctor Mitchell will be there. I
Unknown Speaker 4:55
don't like going here pressure for you and I sit there with my face off round but why I'm in the doctor's office. But all right, but no, that's amazing. That's amazing what else is going on?
Unknown Speaker 5:06
Well, we're also getting ready for the Native Son spelling bee. We are so excited to see the third and fourth graders from across the land to come together and battle it out on the stage for the best speller. That's going to be on Saturday, March 23. At the West Side library. Are you excited
Unknown Speaker 5:25
about the about the spelling bee? Yes. I'm always excited about spelling bee because and I had to look down for a minute. Always excited about the spelling bee just because it is a concerted effort to work with children, because everyone talks about the school district talks about how the school district isn't if it's not last time, somebody said they will was 50 then is 49 is will we stay in the bottom tier. But to have something out there for children, especially in third and fourth grade? Where it's not sports, right? You know, it's okay to know how to spell. And spell simple. It's okay to know how to spell. Yep. And it's an amazing time, especially watching the third and fourth graders. Their eyes light up when they get words correct. But they also feel the emotion when they get the words wrong. Yeah. And we deal with the emotion behind I mean, back behind the stage, and we have games and stuff like that for them. But just being able to hug them and just say you want to know what it's okay, especially for third graders, you can come back next year. Fourth graders, you know, you need to work on some things. It's okay. But it's okay to be smart to even make it to the spelling bee and the children get rewarded for just being there. So I truly appreciate, you know, shouts out to Devon Brooks, Pastor Kelsey West, and the team no chin up as Dina Neil. It's a lot of people that make this happen. A lot of people that make this happen I know I'm forgetting somebody. That's why I really, really don't like to call names. Nina. Don't forget, I guess some because obviously me and Nina work together on a registration. Nina and I work together on a registration. And Rhonda you and 100 Black men. So there are a lot of it's a community effort to make this happen. And it is Saturday, March 23. At the West Las Vegas Library theatre. I think it starts at 10 or 11. I
Unknown Speaker 7:23
think 10 o'clock. 10 o'clock. I
Unknown Speaker 7:25
also want to say you know, the West Las Vegas Library did a lot of good stuff going on. A couple of weeks ago. Avery Walker did his first performance. His first he first time he was the artistic director. The show was phenomenal. Oh, wow. Phenomenal. But no China shots out to China, everybody that's over there. Dr. Robinson and Art Center, China at the theater. It's a lot of good. They do a lot of good stuff over there. A lot of good stuff over there. So when people talk about what is no culture in Vegas,
Unknown Speaker 7:59
yes, it is. Yes, it is just that looking in the right place looking in the right places, they
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do a lot of stuff, a lot of community interactive stuff. I saw some good people. While I mean, it's just different people that I haven't seen in a while, some that I see frequently, but some that I haven't seen in a while, come out to the theater that night to see to show I know I was sitting here in tears to watch the children that I known almost since I've been here on stage performing their hearts out you know watching chimney. And you know, watching chimney singing and to whiny behind the scenes and all these babies that I've seen grow up into these amazing young adults. It was awesome. It was absolutely awesome. You know, I will out you know, I'm in West Las Vegas, our center person. Yeah, totally. And I can even say that that's probably one of the best programs that I've not only seen in Las Vegas, but nationwide, and in going and talking to different people around the country. And when I bring what we do here, the fact that that program, the performing and visual arts camp is an eight week program city, Las Vegas. It is from 7am to 5pm 7am to 5pm and he shoulder and go for eight weeks. Wow. And my daughter did it for 12345 years. And then she was a camp counselor for another three and eight years of her life and when you hear her tell her story because now she's American Bar Association. She just did a tea with Alia Mani, this is another program and she's talking about just those core values of the art center and how that is the foundation for even how she interacts in the law now and I just brought tears to my eyes because when she said it and we were on a webinar I was like oh my god, my baby. Oh my god you grown. Yay. One more to go.
Unknown Speaker 9:57
Why? One down, one to go one down. Want to go? The next community event is the 100 black men virtual youth cooking class, you can find out more information on But it's going to take place on Tuesday, March the 26th. At 6pm, as you know, is open up to all children ages five to 18. And as you know, the 100 black men of Las Vegas provide the food for the cooking class
Unknown Speaker 10:25
provide. Okay, and I'll say that again, because I thought I don't think people hear you provide the food for the class, the food for the cooking class, and we've made some good meals over the past week. It's been enough because some jumble is around Christmas time we did treats which I thought it was too sweet for me, but that's a lot of candy. That
Unknown Speaker 10:47
was that was Halloween. That was that was that wasn't Christmas. That was
Unknown Speaker 10:53
I know, it all runs together. But that was our law.
Unknown Speaker 10:58
That was chef de Yong she wanted to do something
Unknown Speaker 11:01
different. And we did. And we did. But the meals because what did you guys do? I mean, you had chef Jeff,
Unknown Speaker 11:07
last month last month for Black History Month and we had Creole salmon, rice and peas. He always does something. Something else exciting. It was good. No,
Unknown Speaker 11:17
he always does something creative. Yeah, he always says something creative. And the memes are good.
Unknown Speaker 11:23
Yeah, meals are good. kids. The kids love them. The mothers and fathers love them. Everybody loves them. We haven't had a bad menu yet. And last month was heart healthy month, and this month is Diabetes Awareness Month. So we're gonna be putting together a menu that is good, but I bet for diabetics, but also Tasty,
Unknown Speaker 11:41
tasty and good for diabetics. Right. Can you tell us a chef as well? And it's a surprise. It's always a surprise.
Unknown Speaker 11:48
It's always surprised the chef was a surprise
Unknown Speaker 11:51
that the movie surprised? Well, it's no surprise you're gonna get the right.
Unknown Speaker 11:54
But up until that point, you have no clue what's going on. Oh
Unknown Speaker 11:57
God, no problem. Well, you listen to the last talk with Lee and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 12:01
I am Rhonda Nolan. And we're so happy to be with you here this Saturday morning. And it's one more event for all you business listeners out there. The urban Chamber of Commerce is doing their women in business and politics awards luncheon on Friday, March the 29th at the Doyle. So hey, business owners, come on out to this event, meet some other small business owners do some networking and come meet the wonderful women that we are going to award trophies to this year because March is Women's March. March is Women's History, women's history muscle. These are women out there making a difference in your community in business and politics. I can't tell you who they are not yet. But it's got to be some people that you know and love that you see all the time in the community, but come support the urban Chamber of Commerce, the women and business and politics awards luncheon Friday, March 29 11am. At the Doyle at the DOJ where's the Doyle it's on West Mustique. So so you know what the IRS office is in downtown Yes, right. If you if you make the right and go right around the corner under the freeway and they make a quick right that's mosquito is up on the left hand side. Real estate was downtown. It's downtown. Downtown Event Center. Beautiful Indoor Outdoor Center really and I'm so very excited to be my first time working there. It's nice because my
Unknown Speaker 13:30
office is down to your offices down downtown is actually when I think about it there are a lot of little things going on downtown like little coffee shop that coffee shops on both go both both ways brew it is on one side and the other what is oh my god bookstore,
Unknown Speaker 13:45
the bookstore Yeah, it's a great coffee there.
Unknown Speaker 13:48
Oh, yeah. No, it's no it's great. The bookstore is great. Bruins great. The parlor. Yeah, so I went to the parlor for the first time I was like you want to know what downtown is kind of sexy? It is. You know I kind of I kind of liked the the food was good at the parlor. They also sell coffee. They also sell coffee to you guys everything Carson. No so if y'all a lot yet I know you love it. I
Unknown Speaker 14:12
love that. Was it eat a couple
Unknown Speaker 14:14
of weeks. No, no, I like the time. Yeah, no, I like the time. You know, I'm just gonna go around the corner and go and people are gonna watch it. I'm gonna get me the same. I'm not gonna get the same dish but I like sit at the bar doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker 14:26
Listen, when I go to those restaurants, and I find something I like on the menu or order the same thing every time I go. No, but the parlor was actually
Unknown Speaker 14:33
very, very good. It was very good. Very good. You know, it was I was I was shocked because of well I was one that shocked but unsure of if I was going to like this because you know when you're trying to new place you're kinda like skeptical of you know you want to go but I'm trying to do something different and Support the businesses downtown. Yes, they are downtown and it's going the other way from office. But it's a good little while I might walk today down to the parlor and give me a little sandwich or something. Oh, yeah and Israel, Israel, quaint, Real cute, real small. So it's a very nice,
Unknown Speaker 15:04
we have to support each other as small business owners, we have to support each other. We have to support
Unknown Speaker 15:09
each other. Well, I can tell you it is still tax season. And we are. It's been a very an amazing tax season. We are still accepting clients and enjoying it. Enjoying it. Actually, this is enjoying taxis. I know. That's an oxymoron. Ask me why you enjoy taxis. I actually do enjoy taxis. And I love interacting with a number of clients just to catch up to talk to them, see how they're doing, see how they're doing, what their goals and just things that that they wanted to do in their lives. And also to provide a service. So if you're looking for tax home, hey, you know, our number is 70238257377023825737. But for you what I know we got to do pictures. know you said you walk we walk
Unknown Speaker 15:57
in? Yeah, we get ourselves together to be prepared for pitchers
Unknown Speaker 16:01
getting ourselves to be prepared for this. But uh, you know, it's politics season this time. Oh, it is yesterday signing up? Yes, they are signing up. Entrepreneurs, we're going to talk about it probably on every show, during the election cycle. Get out and vote, get out and vote, get out and vote because especially the local elections, know your assembly, you know, know who your assembly person is, because the laws are made that can impact your industry. That's right. And you just want to be aware, like Mark when Marcus Allen was on he was talking about his NRS. You know, my NRS? You know, laws are made that impact our industry. That's right. So you need to be aware who's in the assembly who's in the Senate, you know, the governor and lieutenant governor aren't up for election this year. But you need to be aware who's up there and what decisions are being made and how they're impacting our lives out here in Southern Nevada, you know, even our local election, because you have, you know, just mayor's races going on city council races going on. No. school district, school district, very important. You want to know who's there making the decisions? You know,
Unknown Speaker 17:08
some major changes,
Unknown Speaker 17:09
some major, major changes in the school district. But what I, what I can say for our listening group is know what office handles what, yeah, like, don't go ask the city councilman. stuff about the school district, right? Because they don't go together. And I guess that's kind of frustrating, too. Sometimes. I mean, not frustrating, but just when information is in your hand, your phone, you can Google What does City Council do? Right? And it'll tell you what they're responsible for. You can add, you know, asked to be asked Siri, I don't wanna say the other one, because I'm going to go off. You can ask Siri anything. Right, right. And Siri is going to give you an answer. So when I hear people talking about Well, I didn't vote and I'm like, What do you mean, you didn't you didn't vote? How come you didn't vote? You know, voting voting. Very important. Very important. You know what I need to ask her if she if she can have somebody voting register out there. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 18:08
yes, as a matter of fact, it's going to be a voter. It's going to be someone out there registered on the 16th registering change and addresses change address. Yes, miss it gains will be out there and she will have her tent set up. So if you'd like to come out to the black family Wellness Expo Miss Ida games, we'll be out there registering people to vote. Also that same day, for any of you entrepreneurs that are looking to buy a house, the National Coalition of 100 black women are having a reaching for the keys, learn the journey of home ownership that's going to be on March 16 to your birthday. And that's going to be from 11am to 1pm. And I think that one will be at the ad guy Knowledge Center at 817 in St. Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. And so they have four wonderful speakers, they're going to be speaking to you about owning a home so entrepreneurs if you don't have a home yet and you're interested in learning and getting more information, the National Coalition of 100 black women reaching for the key seminar on home buying that to take place at the ad guy center on 817 in st Las Vegas, Nevada, that's from 11 to one so you might as well just come over to the west side, northwest side just hang out there all day, you know just just go from place to place.
Unknown Speaker 19:23
first time homebuyer just come over because they can talk about that if you want to and then you want to go see about your home and go see about your house right so we're doing H H
Unknown Speaker 19:30
o m and l come see about your health first at 10am. Then go to the home binder 11 have
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everything done all at once on right down the street and then you go home, you're all checked out, you've done your deed for the day, then your deed for the day and you are ready to proceed. You can get ready you're ready because well and that's another thing buying a home because when buying a home is not something that today you say I want to buy a home and Monday the home is in your hands right doesn't work like that doesn't work like that. And I don't know if we really communicate what the real process is because he We'll get frustrated with the process not understanding that it's the process. It is the process. It's the process. And
Unknown Speaker 20:04
well, we always talk about people having their paperwork in order that helps you in business and it helps you personally as well. And I know for me when I decided to buy my first home here in Nevada, I started saving a year in advance. So I saw I downsized my living style, I started saving money to prepare because you still have to make a down payment. You know, you you have to have more, we
Unknown Speaker 20:26
talked for Senate, Chicanos Por La Casa. And that's another one Chicanos Por La Casa. So even being able to, and I love the fact that we've had them on a show and some No, just bring it just bringing them back. Because I know they do their they do their classes, where they have access to first time homebuyer money. And if you move into certain areas of the city, it's even more money, right? So they are promoting these programs are out there. And they're real. And they're not just what people know, not just people talking. And but you got to have your paperwork in order. What I love about their program is they're doing credit counseling, they're walking you through the process, and answering the questions because the home buying process, that's probably the most documents that you will sign at one time ever. And it's daunting, right? And when you really don't, and because I remember when I purchased my first home here, first of all the documents, remember those old Encyclopedia Britannica? It's
Unknown Speaker 21:26
like 100 years easy. It's like 100 When you finally buy your house
Unknown Speaker 21:30
when you buy a house. And then like, you know, you sign off on this assignment, what does that mean? And what does that mean? And what does, but I'm blessed that I had people around me that were home owners and as I was signing the document, know, the questions that I had they were able to answer them and made me feel comfortable. About don't because you're signing a lot of stuff, you are a lot of stuff, but it is probably the best feeling in the world. Oh, yes. best feeling in the world afterwards. And to know that your rent is not going up. That's
Unknown Speaker 21:59
right. Your mortgage is the same until you deem it unless
Unknown Speaker 22:03
you get it and honestly, if you have even if you have mortgage insurance when you start yes, that drops off.
Unknown Speaker 22:10
After the value of your home goes up. Well, a little bit of off because your
Unknown Speaker 22:14
what is the whole formula that put your mortgage potentially can go down and it might increase but let me depend on your prop but how your payment is set up. But it's more consistent. Yeah, it's more consistent. Because when I hear horror stories, and I've heard a lot of them lately. Oh God, people having to make some different decisions about whether or not they can live on their own. Are they going to have to do roommates? Do they have to go back home and live with parents? You know, so now you're seeing a lot of multi generational living. Because the cost of an apartment is just two more how renting is expensive. It's expensive. Renting is expensive. But you're listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford. I am Rhonda
Unknown Speaker 22:56
Nolan. And we are so happy you are listening to us this beautiful Saturday morning, a week before Leah's born day. And I think she's taking all lunches, breakfast and dinner. So if you'd like to get on her calendar and take her avons, she's going out all week that is
Unknown Speaker 23:15
038257377023825737. But I will probably be at all those fears on Saturday. I will be and the reason why is first of all supporting local organizations and what you're doing. Because if we don't, I mean, if we were not there in the community, right services, they don't think that they're necessary. That's right. And they start cut funding for him. We had to start with no people. No, because there are a lot of people that are going to show up. I think the American Heart Association is showing up for this event,
Unknown Speaker 23:46
American Cancer Association. Society is showing so many folks are going to be they're
Unknown Speaker 23:51
going to be there. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm excited. And then with the cooking class, again, the reason why this cooking class now has been going on for four years is four years. Now. I'm Rhonda, just about
Unknown Speaker 24:05
Yeah, we want you want it's our fourth year. That's correct. You want to actually cuz you started in 20. Yeah, we just started 23 You
Unknown Speaker 24:13
were anniversary hit we for going we're gonna be working on five. Yeah, that's right. So but again, the 100 black men deemed it a good program because of the participation. That's right. Because of the participation and we have to participate. We have to and
Unknown Speaker 24:27
we love the participation. We love seeing the kids and the families. It just warms our heart. That could be a
Unknown Speaker 24:33
whole comedy show, though. It could be a whole that could be a whole comedy show, just because that's the day and I just want to get go I just log on just listen. Because it's so fun. But why is that? Well, I
Unknown Speaker 24:43
didn't hear that. Well. You know, what did you say?
Unknown Speaker 24:48
Why don't we put it in an oven.
Unknown Speaker 24:50
When did we put it into seasoning? We got to we haven't gotten there yet. Still working on something else. You move it too fast little kiddies.
Unknown Speaker 24:58
You know but is but it's just good to see and then families yes families together you know parents helping their children clock children competing against each other.
Unknown Speaker 25:10
Oh I love it I love to see the brothers and sisters the brothers making making the meals to see who dish is gonna be best whose dish is gonna be
Unknown Speaker 25:16
the best and it just creates a family environment a healthy family environment and then you said to Native Son Spelling Bee March 23 You know the West Las Vegas Art Center I mean I'm sorry less about West Las Vegas Library amazing event just to support children yeah support support to shoulder support the children they are our future. How about that?
Unknown Speaker 25:38
They will determine what happens as we get older How about in need other services, so
Unknown Speaker 25:42
I can't wait I can't and I know a sub I told him I said I'm gonna tell you you know, remembering No, I was wanted spelling bee. Exactly. You know that that t i t is my children all the time. I'm like, Y'all know y'all y'all my retirement plan, right? And I want y'all to T treat me like I treated you all right.
Unknown Speaker 25:55
I told my godson, this is what I want you to do. I want you to get a big house, and then get a casita Outback, and I live in the casita. And then I watched your children for free long as I can live for free that I'll babysit for free. You know,
Unknown Speaker 26:07
see, I'm not telling my daughter already called me when she did she, she contacted me and she said, you know, Mom, when I have children because of my career, I, you know, I'm gonna need a nanny. I say, Well, how your why she was like, Well, no, I think that you would be amazing. So I called her father. I said, Do you know what your what your child said? He said, Man, I add you know, we laughed about it. But you know, but that's the reality. I was like, I will probably be that you know, okay, you know what, we do it right? Because she knows I'm one of those parents. I love children. I love to not only do I love children, that's why I became an entrepreneur. It wasn't that I went, Oh, I want to be entrepreneur. I needed the time flexibility, and to be able to earn the money to spend time with my children. And I spend a lot of spend a lot of time with Yes. And a lot of time with her spend a lot of time with the current child. Yes. Because this week, at four o'clock, he told me about a band concert that he had to participate in it the high tide neighborhood High School.
Unknown Speaker 27:11
Now, you need to be there now.
Unknown Speaker 27:14
Not just look, and he didn't have his shirt, and I just said okay. And I came home and I was ready to go and he was fumbling I was like, Well you said now, but the concert was amazing. I want to say this to Chaparral High School. Amazing, amazing band, if you haven't seen them before, amazing band. But again, my name is Leah Crawford. My
Unknown Speaker 27:35
name is Rhonda Nolan. You've been listening to Let's Talk with Leah and Rhonda. On K you in V 91.5, jazz and more.
Unknown Speaker 27:43
All right. Well, that is our show for today. It's our show for today. Yes, yes. And Rhonda Rhonda Rhonda. Next week we will have an exciting guest on so we can talk about some good stuff. All
Unknown Speaker 27:53
right. I'm excited and it's your birthday. It's my birthday. And it's 25 different events happening that day. But we're on early so you can listen to us first and then go to all the events on your way to
Unknown Speaker 28:03
the event. All right. Peace and blessings everything. Bye
Transcribed by