From Flowers to Wine Bars - The Journey of Randi Garrett
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 0:29
And I'm Rhonda Nolan.
Unknown Speaker 0:31
And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs
Unknown Speaker 0:36
out there. This is for you. Good morning. Las Vegas. Hi, Leah. How are you doing on this beautiful Saturday morning?
Unknown Speaker 0:44
It is you want to know what Rhonda? I'm convinced the weather is temperamental. I'm convinced because I went outside on Wednesday, and I was like what would the to my turn the heat on already? But it was cold. earlier and I mean, so I'm like, Okay, so the weather is temperamental. It's okay. But it's April. It is it is April in I am so excited to be here. I want to shout out to all my source as we are on our way to our monthly meeting. So shout out to the ladies at Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. I know you want to give you SolarWinds a shout out we have to of
Unknown Speaker 1:18
course, big shout out for the ladies of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated. Happy Saturday morning. Happy Happy Saturday
Unknown Speaker 1:28
morning. All right, so we got a special guest here with us.
Unknown Speaker 1:33
Do we have an entrepreneur that not only has one business, not two, not two, but three businesses here in Las Vegas. We'd like to welcome Miss Randy Garrett. Hi, Randy. How are you doing? I'm good. How are you? I am super fantastic. We're so happy you're here with us today. For for ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who don't know, cork and thorns, this is the proprietor of cork and Thorn and you may have visited it when it wasn't Summerlin over Tivoli village, but now it's downtown in the arts district. Tell us all about it. Randy.
Unknown Speaker 2:08
Well, cork and Thorne is a place for a lot of people to come together for music. We do a lot of live entertainment there during the week and we've got some great performers, local performers. We do have different celebrities that come in and out throughout the time. But it's just it's such a great gathering. Good feeling good vibes, good music and good drinks. Food, we have food as well. So yeah,
Unknown Speaker 2:37
I got a better question. Randy. Are you born and raised here? No, no,
Unknown Speaker 2:42
no. I'm born in New York. Okay. I've been here since I was 10, though. So
Unknown Speaker 2:54
you went to middle school? Well, element digital Elementary School. We started in I
Unknown Speaker 2:57
start I did an elementary. I did fifth grade here. Do fifth grade.
Unknown Speaker 3:00
Which middle school did you could this is when Vegas only had a few high schools. Right?
Unknown Speaker 3:04
Well, high school. I went to Clark Okay. Junior High went to Kenny Gwynn. Nice. And then sixth grade kid Carson.
Unknown Speaker 3:13
You went because they had to sixth grade. So yes. Was sixth sixth grade centers. See a born man born but raised here. Yeah, you've been here ever since. Yeah, nice. Nice. So korkin Thorne, what prompted you to even want to start korkin Thorne? Well,
Unknown Speaker 3:33
well, I've had a flower shop which is Nikiti floral for 25 years Okay, so somebody said well why don't you take the two passions that you have is wine and flowers and mix them together? So that's what originally started cork and thorns it was originally just a wine bar with flowers where you could walk in which is what now the wine garden is now cork and Thorn turned into something totally different during the pandemic so cork
Unknown Speaker 4:01
but but you know what, then it makes sense to Cork the bottle Thorn for the flower. Yeah, yeah, cork and so I
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used to go to cork and Thorn while I started with her from beginning when she was up in Summerland. So we would go there to have some nice wine and to listen to some music. Yeah. And I went there all the time and I really liked the environment because he I like upscale so I was looking for that kind of upscale luxury not too big not too small kind of you know place and that's exactly what it was. So I came up there all the time. And she says okay, you know what, we need more traction and you moved and then you move closer. I was like, okay, even better to arts district. And so then you also have the house outdoor patio, right. And you have hookah, we
Unknown Speaker 4:38
have hookah. We have food now and we have some fun stuff we do like a live band karaoke which is only one here in Vegas. Okay when ally star okay, you have ally in the background and you so that way you don't sound bad.
Unknown Speaker 4:54
So tell us about each night so what can we expect just picking depending upon which night we come? Okay,
Unknown Speaker 4:59
so Monday nights very simple. It's just industry night so we do a lot of happy hour all night. Okay. And so there's just music in the background Tuesday is Taco Tuesday but again very chill Wednesdays the live band karaoke with Ali star. And then Thursday we have old school r&b which is with Queen Aries Thursday night. Yeah. And then Friday we have is more of a club scene on Friday night. You know with the with the DJs with DJ tonearms and the VIP group, and then Saturday we have at least star again which is more r&b, neo soul. And then Sunday we have Barry Black. I don't know if you're familiar with him, but so he's on Sunday nights. So that's really Yeah. Roster. We Oh, yeah. full roster. We did. Alright, so
Unknown Speaker 5:56
if you're in the art, I know we're cooking. Thorin is in the arts district. But the flower shop is also in was that still considered the arts district?
Unknown Speaker 6:05
So yeah, so wine garden lawn gardens in the front. And then the Katy florals
Unknown Speaker 6:09
in the back because you back up into Naked City?
Unknown Speaker 6:12
Yes. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 6:13
So we're right next to Tappan ash right next to half an ash Correct. Okay, so
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we are literally right down the street. All my businesses are in the art district, which is great.
Unknown Speaker 6:23
That's great. You can just drive around to all of them.
Unknown Speaker 6:26
Yeah, actually, yeah, I happen. Mel's little golf cart.
Unknown Speaker 6:33
Love it. So with the floral shop. You do all types of arrangements.
Unknown Speaker 6:39
Yeah. So with the flower part, which is in Katy flora, we do everything from corporate events, weddings, businesses, like we do Red Rock Hotel. So we're all over all over the city and have been all the country clubs and stuff like that. So floral part is that you can call me up. I'm not a normal walk in floral shop. Okay. Like if you walked into a grocery store Trader Joe's. Yeah. Well, ours is more custom. So we do custom arrangements.
Unknown Speaker 7:14
So entrepreneurs, if you need some custom pieces for your business, you may have a lobby or lounge or front window or even realtors, or
Unknown Speaker 7:25
how houses staging houses or even when your customer buys a floral arrangement? Why not? I mean, when your customer moves in, and you want to do like a gift bag. And that's where we can also incorporate the wine garden where we do some wines and glasses and flowers. As you know we could do a whole package
Unknown Speaker 7:45
if you'd like to check out Randy's designs for her floral shop. www in
Unknown Speaker 8:03
a que RTI
Unknown Speaker 8:06
floral. F L O R A
Unknown Speaker 8:09
Yeah. All right. Randy geared Randy here. Yeah. I absolutely love it. So with the flower shop, what's your favorite flower?
Unknown Speaker 8:19
Shop? My. No, I'm not. I really don't like flowers. Honestly. I know. Don't Don't judge me. But I love working with them. I think they're they're they're such a great art. Because there's so much stuff you can do with them. If you're you know if you're an artist, right? But if I had to pick a flower that I can smell still would be a gardenia and that would be my favorite. Oh, wow.
Unknown Speaker 8:43
Okay, how long so when you get the floral arrangements? How long do they normally lasts if I was to purchase one, how long do they normally lasts.
Unknown Speaker 8:51
It also depends on Well, it all depends on where you're putting it right? If it's in the sun, if it's getting a lot of light, it might be too hot. So you want to keep it in and kind of cool place. You want to give it a fresh cut each day. Put some water in it, make sure there's water in it every day. I mean, it could last a week, week and a half depending on how well you take care of it. It depends on how well you take care of it. We try to get the nicest quality of flowers. We're not like a grocery store where they've been sitting. For days and days and days. We do everything fresh. So like if you ordered an arrangement for us, we go out that day to go get the fresh flowers. There's no There's no keeping it in our cooler. And that's what kind of makes us a little different where we're not keeping them fresh. We're not making them each day. So what
Unknown Speaker 9:39
made you decide to start your floral design business? You've been doing it for 25 years here?
Unknown Speaker 9:43
Well, you were just a kid and when you
Unknown Speaker 9:47
a little girl you started she was one years old. She started right
Unknown Speaker 9:50
I wish we're about the same age. You know, I started at the Bellagio. I started at The Mirage and then open up the Bellagio doing floral. So just from there, when 911 hit I kind of just, I was like, let me do my own thing you
Unknown Speaker 10:12
want to know because I was just we were just in the Bellagio this past weekend. And that floral is amazing. Yeah, I mean, you can just smell you smell it in the restaurant. You just smell? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 10:24
they've changed it so much since I've been there. But we had way more floral. More than that. Yeah. Way more when Steve Wynn owned the Bellagio? There was so much floral. That was that was his thing. You know, they wanted flowers. Everywhere. We had flowers everywhere at the Bellagio. You name it. We had it and it was all fresh.
Unknown Speaker 10:45
Wow. Yeah. Wow. So something like that. In order to maintain that? Are you changing the flower was every day every other day?
Unknown Speaker 10:53
No, what we do is maintain it every day. Well, back then we maintained it every day, we would do what we call brown. So we would go to each arrangement. Pull out the dead ones put in a few new ones, but we wouldn't change it fully. It would be changed once a week.
Unknown Speaker 11:08
So you are so you work overnight, then? No, no, we
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did it during the day. You did it during
Unknown Speaker 11:13
the day. All the people around? Well, because it's interesting because even at the top like that floral arrangement that's above there was the Reception The receptionist desk or to check in to check in that. I was like, oh my god as flowers.
Unknown Speaker 11:29
I don't know if that's real or no, those
Unknown Speaker 11:31
aren't real. No, those are those aren't real. But yeah, I was like, wow. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 11:35
like conservatory, which is the main big one that that was maintained every day. I mean, they're pulling dead flowers, but they don't. They didn't change the whole look of it. Depending on the fresh flower part of it. Whatever was in there.
Unknown Speaker 11:52
It smells amazing. Yeah, it's because you can smell it as soon as you hit the doors like it
Unknown Speaker 11:56
does know and so does the when I love walking into the wind and just walking through that whatever you want. Really? Wow,
Unknown Speaker 12:06
I'm not gonna lie when you walk into the wind. No, the wind smells amazing. Yeah, whatever door you walk into. You believe that's true. Good God, the wind, the wind smells good. overhead. That's the overhead I need to get me also I need to get over here over here. I need to over here for the house. Paradise. I live in paradise. So it only fits. It only fits. But you've been listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Leah Crawford. I
Unknown Speaker 12:35
am Rhonda Nolan. And we have triple entrepreneur Randy Garrett in a studio with us this beautiful Saturday morning. I just love it. I love that you do multiple different things and you do them. Well.
Unknown Speaker 12:47
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 12:48
I love that. So now did you do an internship, you know, somewhere with a design company or you're just naturally talented? I
Unknown Speaker 12:56
don't want to say I'm naturally talented, but um, you know, I had great peers. Okay. You know, when I worked at Bellagio and they taught me a lot of a lot of the design. It was just easy for me to quick pick up.
Unknown Speaker 13:08
It seems like it's a peaceful job. It seems like
Unknown Speaker 13:15
there is nothing peaceful about it. And at the Weingarten our teaching we teach classes so you can come in
Unknown Speaker 13:24
Yeah, about that. So what classes you teach at the Weingard. So
Unknown Speaker 13:27
on Tuesdays, we teach every week as a different week. It's anything from a chocolate and dessert wine pairings. cheese and wine pairings. We just introduced bacon and wine pairing. Nice. Yes. And then we also do caviar and champagne. Pairing. Oh, nice. So we teach a little bit how to you know, eat it and drink with it. And then on Wednesdays, we do floral classes. So we do everything from a succulent design, a centerpiece, a floral crown. And we also teach you how to design on a top you get a full bottle of wine, and you design the flowers on top of the bottle. So it just depends on which class you take. And then the the the tastings are anywhere from 50 to 100.
Unknown Speaker 14:16
And what time does class start every Wednesday? Seven to eight. Okay, all EU wine lovers out there. If you're looking to find out more about wine and find out what foods are period better wine, tell us the location of the wine garden
Unknown Speaker 14:30
1600 South commerce fantastic.
Unknown Speaker 14:33
You have parking we do that park. That's a beautiful thing. I think that would be a great thing to do with some friends to come on a Wednesday night and learn or
Unknown Speaker 14:42
Tuesday night or Tuesday actually making a wine because we all want to
Unknown Speaker 14:49
know we're getting ready to introduce a tea but it's it's wine. So it's it's a tea party. So we have like pastry Reason, you know, like a tea party, but the here the tea pots filled with wine and those, those will be on Sundays, okay? Anywhere from 12 to eight,
Unknown Speaker 15:10
eight. Okay, so now tell me what are the hours of the wine garden.
Unknown Speaker 15:13
So Monday through Thursday or from five to 10. And then Friday and Saturday is five to 12. And then Sunday is 12 to eight.
Unknown Speaker 15:24
Yes, for all you champagne lovers out there, the wine garden any day during the week and have a glass or two of champagne. And if people are looking to do a little gathering for their birthday, or any type of celebration, the wine garden is the place for you. Yeah, I've, I've been there for several of those events.
Unknown Speaker 15:41
We even have wine lockers where you can, you can be a member, and you get a locker and you can put your own wine in there. And then you can use them. If there's unique wines that you want, we'll get them for you. You can store them in there that you get, like all these different benefits for different classes that you get to take with it and we birthday and you know, it's it's a lot of fun. You
Unknown Speaker 16:05
just came up with a whole bunch of different ideas and make them create but that's that's that being an entrepreneur,
Unknown Speaker 16:10
entrepreneur, I
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have to keep going. You know, you
Unknown Speaker 16:13
gotta keep going and reinventing yourself.
Unknown Speaker 16:16
Now, are you the first entrepreneur in your family? No. Okay. You have a family full entrepreneur.
Unknown Speaker 16:22
Unknown Speaker 16:22
What are some of the businesses they run?
Unknown Speaker 16:24
Um, well, my father was an electrician for many years. My brothers, while my older brother he, he has, he's in stock broker. So yeah, the stock broker business. That's cool. I only have two brothers. So very big family.
Unknown Speaker 16:44
That's fantastic. I like it.
Unknown Speaker 16:45
I love it. I love it. So the Weingarten is the 1600 South commerce, Las Vegas, Nevada. And that's 89101891228910289102 and the korkin Thorne address 70. West Imperial 70. Western period and that's 89101 or 289102 is still 102. Yeah, okay. So must be 102 on the other side of Charleston. Some one on one on the other side.
Unknown Speaker 17:13
Yeah. So everything on that side.
Unknown Speaker 17:17
On the south side of Charleston is 102. Everything is one on one. Okay. And then Nikiti floral. This is in the wind garden. It's yeah, two locations. So you're right down the street. Lucky you. You You said you started it because you had a love of flowers, and a love of wine. And you've grown it into now the wine garden? Cork and Thorn and Nikiti floral. Is there anything else on the rising? Are you thinking of another business? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 17:46
sure, you
Unknown Speaker 17:51
know, right. That's right.
Unknown Speaker 17:52
That's right entrepreneur. Yeah, my landlord behind me the one. The Weingarten. He's getting ready to probably within a year, so we're going to do a indoor food trailer park. Nice. So there'll be eight food trailers inside, and probably three of them outside. So I will be one of them. But with liquor, oh, but it'll be more mixology. So more of your cool different kinds of drinks. that you wouldn't normally get like, you wouldn't find it a regular like just a Jack and Coke. So ours would be more you know, okay,
Unknown Speaker 18:34
so entrepreneurs, I want you to listen and listen closely. She took her passion and turned it into not only one two, but now a third is still in the same passion still in the same vein of alcohol I'm young because you have the bars alcohol I'm really alcoholic and not not what was wine right? Wine
Unknown Speaker 18:59
good for the heart good for the best right Why is good for the heart?
Unknown Speaker 19:02
You want love Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 19:06
I do over in Europe the French drink a glass of wine every day red they drink a red every day in this good probably more
Unknown Speaker 19:13
like a model every if I do
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it every day and they have heart disease in that country. That's why everybody happy that's why sometimes
Unknown Speaker 19:23
you drink until it's funny. Yeah, just drink it. You know think about stuff differently when you drink it right? Well
Unknown Speaker 19:29
we also have the like the non alcoholic the non Prosecco at the wine garden to for like when you are with your friends and you are not a drinker. We do have that and it tastes pretty good.
Unknown Speaker 19:40
It does taste would you add that's what I was drinking when I was because I'm not I'm not a drinker. I'm not a drinker. And that's why they don't believe like taking me because I sit at the park they all drink and I'm like do to do give me a bottle water.
Unknown Speaker 19:51
I'll take a bottle away. Now. You can be fancy with that.
Unknown Speaker 19:53
I'm gonna be fancy with them. I have a glass in my hand. You've been listening to the last talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Croft. I
Unknown Speaker 19:58
am Rhonda Nolan. We are so glad you're here with us this beautiful Saturday morning. Okay, let me ask you ladies, did you ladies exercise this morning? Of course not.
Unknown Speaker 20:07
I usually do in the morning. Not today. Okay. Okay. Friday was a little long night for me.
Unknown Speaker 20:14
Okay? Don't forget entrepreneurs, you have to have your health in order to run your business. So don't forget to put a little exercise in your life.
Unknown Speaker 20:21
Alright, so give us some creative. Okay, so Randy, what are you doing in the morning when you get up and exercise? Oh, you exercise for real? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:29
usually weights. I like weights. I'm more into the weights then. Okay, Rhonda.
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stuff. So I like to walk you do burpees who Brandi? Yeah, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 20:43
she's shaking her head. Yeah. Show me what that was,
Unknown Speaker 20:45
like really the burpee hard, but the burpee gives you fast results because you're using a lot of the muscles in the body.
Unknown Speaker 20:54
First off, they had to show me what the burpee was because you know, I'm goofy. I don't know what that is. But the fact that you got to stand up get down do this. I was like, who with
Unknown Speaker 21:04
the coordination? Yeah, you cannot be clumsy. You cannot
Unknown Speaker 21:07
be calm can be hung. You cannot be clumsy. I'm yoga. You know, I'm yoga. Give me Namaste. Give me some peaceful. Let me move my body around.
Unknown Speaker 21:17
Yeah, I like walking. I also like my peloton bicycle. It doesn't like me, but I like it. And I like I like Stairmaster. I like doing the steps do you? Oh yeah, I do. I love I love doing the Stairmaster. So if I don't do the Stairmaster machine, I like to do this stairs just regularly and if any of you are working in a building where you have stairs, you have to go up and down. Don't take the elevator take the stairs, you automatically get into a full body workout when you take the stairs.
Unknown Speaker 21:44
Okay, so you ever think about going down to district and walking up and down the stairs?
Unknown Speaker 21:49
You have they do that every year at the stret I think the firefighters do some type of fundraiser where you go and you walk the stairs in the stret you got walk all the way down all the way of where I want to say they're inside the the white part of the strap that there's some stairs and when those Sam
Unknown Speaker 22:06
Smith used to actually train firefighters like that, okay, we'll take you to the stairs and run the stairs but no, I was thinking something cute and sexy outside. I was not thinking about the strategy. That is not because you can look up and I'm tired okay, I didn't lost three pounds. But Flamingo and Maryland Parkway, upside Flamingo and on Las Vegas Boulevard. The steps that go across Las Vegas Boulevard. Just want to put down those steps. Because you have those cars down the walkway. Go up one come down and go up walk cross. You know that could be a workout. That could be a workout where you can park? Yes. On
Unknown Speaker 22:45
the strip. No, we don't worry.
Unknown Speaker 22:49
It's very quiet and cool. That's true.
Unknown Speaker 22:52
Yeah, it's very quiet early in the morning
Unknown Speaker 22:54
and East Coast. People are up jogging. I see the New Yorkers in the DC. They'd be up there jogging right on that concrete. Oh, yeah. They are early in the morning early in the morning early. And they are on a very early interest show. I like to go to Craig ranch Park. I like to I like to see some greenery, some trees and things of that nature. So I like going there to watch
Unknown Speaker 23:12
sunset is nice to sunset is nice sunset. It's a nice walk around. But you know, you can get a trail app. Oh, what's the trail app is the app that will let you know about all the trails that are in or wherever you are. You just put the zip code in and they will let you know about the different trails that are around in that area. And then they rank them from one to five, five being I guess the more complicated trails. And I did the ones that my neighbor I just looked I said that's cute, but yeah, I'm not ready yet. One year.
Unknown Speaker 23:41
I also like to bike right so one year I picked up her son. Oh, let's go over to sunset we're gonna ride the bikes. After the first five minutes, I thought I was gonna die. I was so out of shape. I had to stop I was like he was gone. But that's not good. And I had to stop. He wrote back he said What's taking you so long? I was like, oh Auntie Rhonda needs a swab.
Unknown Speaker 24:07
I have that bike in my garage. My bike is still on Mike Are you on? I thought about that though. I was like you want to because he's taller now. Right? Because now he's my son. Last year was five six this year he's 510
Unknown Speaker 24:19
Oh, nice. Grossberg.
Unknown Speaker 24:22
We're not done yet then I will dizzy 13
Unknown Speaker 24:27
Yeah, a long way.
Unknown Speaker 24:30
He's gonna be he's going to be tall but I was thinking about that because I was that would be a good exercise. It is good exercise for me. Right now to get on the bike. You know and ride around the circle and ride around the neighborhood it
Unknown Speaker 24:44
is a difference going out riding the bike in person versus being on a stationary bike because you just you get a chance to see the visual and you get the chance to breathe the air and breathe in the
Unknown Speaker 24:53
air could be different because you know peloton is creative you see a whole lot of visual and peloton Have you all over the world. Yeah. We might not smell like the world right? That's why I can alright so Randy just did it for me I'm gonna get the air thing and write different different different scents and so my sensory you know, and then I'm gonna ride the bike maybe because you know me and my peloton we've been having a conversation we still talking that's good, you know we still Yeah, we still friends. He's still
Unknown Speaker 25:21
there. Okay. I moved him. Oh, yeah. Room was in that. No,
Unknown Speaker 25:26
he's back in the family room back in front of the fireplace. So I'm, you know, I'm gonna turn them around. Maybe I'll turn my face the fireplace and we'll look. Yeah, just move them a little bit. Yeah. Interesting relationship.
Unknown Speaker 25:36
So all you entrepreneurs, you can come and have some live music at korfin Thorne, or you can come and have a glass of wine or champagne at the wine garden. Or you can reach out to her and have her make a piece for your business.
Unknown Speaker 25:49
Well, the other thing too, is let's go over their schedule. Again a quick adorn because that was a lot before we end the show because we're about to enter or Monday night.
Unknown Speaker 25:56
Monday's industry night, okay. Tuesday night, Taco Tuesday, Wednesday. Live Band karaoke. Thursday. Live Band RMB old school r&b, Friday. More of a club scene. So DJ tonearms. Okay, Saturday, Ali star which is r&b, Neo Soul, right and Sunday and Sunday's r&b Neo Soul. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 26:20
so there's no excuse if you like any of those foods. Yes. And good company. And good company. Well, you've been listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am
Unknown Speaker 26:30
Lea Crawford. I'm Rhonda Nolan. And we have been here with Miss Randy Garrett. We're so glad you came to do our show today. We love having you. And we will be in to see you soon. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 26:39
we will see you real soon. All right. Yeah. Have an amazing, amazing Saturday and until next week, peace and blessings, peace and blessings. Bye
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