Finding Beauty and Confidence: A Journey from Corporate Struggles to Entrepreneurial Success
Speaker 1 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program.
Unknown Speaker 0:03
The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 0:29
And I'm Rhonda Nolan.
Unknown Speaker 0:31
And you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs
Unknown Speaker 0:36
out there. This is for us. Good morning. Las Vegas. Leah. How are you doing on this beautiful Saturday morning? You
Unknown Speaker 0:44
know, Rhonda, I'm working out.
Unknown Speaker 0:46
All right.
Unknown Speaker 0:47
I'm actually doing it every day. I am going for the walk or I'm get ready incorporate some other thing because you know, when I you know me once I get started, yes, I'm in it. Yeah, I'm about to go find my yoga studio, find me a good yoga studio, and do my yoga and the walking and I feel amazing. That's good.
Unknown Speaker 1:09
I'm so glad you're up and out and moving and shaking and this wonderful, beautiful weather. Yes. Yeah. No, yes, I
Unknown Speaker 1:15
am. How about you?
Unknown Speaker 1:16
I'm doing good. I'm doing good. I'm getting my mind right. I'm gonna start back on my walking like I know I usually do in the summertime. So I'm going to jump back in that and then I'm going to actually get on my peloton. You know, I'm going to actually, you know, dust is not on be furniture. No, it's not gonna be furniture anymore.
Unknown Speaker 1:34
Do you want to use it? But you have two pieces of equipment? I
Unknown Speaker 1:37
do. I do. And some of my friends came over last weekend and they were like, wait a minute, you gotta run the machine. We're coming over here. I was like, Sure you're gonna walk. I'm gonna come over and use it. No.
Unknown Speaker 1:47
Grabs the rolling machine. Yes. Yes. So you have any announcements this week before we get into our guest is quiet as quiet. Well, I have so for you. I have to you have you heard of Toastmasters? I have. So let's talk about communication for a minute. Are you a confident in how you speak? Are you a good listener? Unlike reading and writing, we don't really teach speaking and listening in school and yet verbal communication is so important in your happiness and success. So you got to you got to learn how to talk right? One way I found to hone in on my speaking and listening skills is joining Toastmasters and they're celebrating their 100 year anniversary this month. That's wonderfully that right? There are more than 270,000 clubs and the current members with 1400 14,000 clubs around the world. I belong to lamda linguist, so lambda linguist is all alive. Okay. We meet Monday and Wednesday. At Monday, I'm sorry Monday, the first Monday in a therapsid. Monday and Wednesday, the first Monday and the third Monday of the month at 6pm. We're online. And it's easier right so you learn how to basically work in an online platform. To get more information you can email me at Leah at Crawford LEAH at Crawford I will forward you information but I can tell you being on this radio show. Well Toastmasters where I did that before we got here. It made me a better speaker. So anyone out there you want to become a better speaker. Honestly Toastmasters.
Unknown Speaker 3:24
I host doors we all well, you the man the woman is speech
Unknown Speaker 3:27
right? So that elevator speech elevator pitch elevator pitch. How do you write how do you do that? How do you become comfortable and extemporaneous speaking. So Toastmasters does that for you. And you're around some amazing people. They have tracks, just a whole bunch of different stuff. But I am a member of lambda Ling was and also lunchtime talkers. Last time talkers is at the Urban Chamber of Commerce and a focus on small business owners, lambda linguist is, you know, they just want you to speak better. And there's some amazing people in there that can coach you through, well how you can become a better speaker. So again, Leah at Crawford, m And Leah is spelled as if you get to a I'm not gonna get it. l EAHA. At Crawford, Mary girl M Or you can contact us at 70238257377023825737 and Jen will forward Judy information.
Unknown Speaker 4:26
We have a lot of great speakers. This week has been a such a busy week. We've had a lot of different organizations in town NAACP has been here for the National Convention. The National Bar Association has been there for the national convention. And the NBA Summer League has been here doing what's still here and
Unknown Speaker 4:42
they're still here. So you want Can we go to summer league tomorrow?
Unknown Speaker 4:45
Yeah, we better get there quickly because I think it made today or tomorrow maybe the last day so we better get our tickets. But anyway, what was
Unknown Speaker 4:52
Sunday? This was the last day right?
Unknown Speaker 4:54
Yeah, I believe so let's get our tickets today. Let's Vaughn because we always have fun when we we always have a Good tires. Yeah, we have a good time. But today we're so excited. We have some wonderful guests in the studio. Yes, yes,
Unknown Speaker 5:05
we do. So we have Jonathan and ZAN. And I want to say good morning. First of all.
Unknown Speaker 5:14
It is a beautiful morning.
Unknown Speaker 5:15
Beautiful morning.
Unknown Speaker 5:16
Those listening skills.
Unknown Speaker 5:18
Right? I did. I guess it was a business forum, the panel, but we're business panel. And we were just talking about to our businesses in this community. And I was so impressed. We had a ball. Yeah. It was fun. And our skin, our hair. Very important. Very important, and how you take care of it. And I know we've had other people on in the past, but just I love hearing just the number of people in this valley that are actually taking care of their skin and their hair. I do too, especially as business owners. So your business is called desire couture house of beauty. Yes, absolutely. Okay. I want to know the journey. Oh, I want to hear about the journey. How did we get to this brick and mortar Jonathan, who are you? Well,
Unknown Speaker 6:09
I'm Jonathan. Good morning. My name is Jonathan Nelson. And yes, I am co owner of desire couture house of beauty. My other co owner is my partner and fiance. We've been together 20 years. The concept of our business came early on in our relationship is just talking as we do getting to know each other. I have a background in makeup, and he grew up with sisters that needed hair. And literally, our two elements collided. And we opened up what we called our mobile hair and makeup business. So mobile elegance, as we like to call it mobile.
Unknown Speaker 6:46
Mobile. I'm like, that's a t shirt. Oh, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 6:50
That is a T shirt. T shirt.
Unknown Speaker 6:51
In the process of getting some swag made. So yes. So yeah, so before we even got into the business side of it, it was a beautiful development between the two of us because I'm an only child, you no single parent. He had a bigger family. And we are two elements just really bonded so well. When we got together. We just knew that we had passion we had magic to make. And unfortunately three years into our relationship, Zan started to develop stress induced seizures, which took a toll on what our plans were doing and how we were going to attack the future. And literally, he had 13 years of debilitating seizures. And we're talking about five a day at 1.5 grand mal seizures. So there, it took a toll. And I want to
Unknown Speaker 7:45
tell you guys first of all Zan is sitting here in the studio looking
Unknown Speaker 7:48
great face is gorgeous. Hair.
Unknown Speaker 7:52
Right here, I
Unknown Speaker 7:53
need to go with the hair. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 7:56
Unknown Speaker 7:58
I even fell down the stairs three times. One time, I thought I broke my collar and my neck. But thank goodness,
Unknown Speaker 8:03
goodness, yeah. So during all of that, you know, I got to appreciate our relationship even more and the connection we had and there was just something that I knew that was going to come through like this was not the end, you know, we're hitting year 13. We've seen doctor after doctor, no help from the state because unfortunately, with a stress induced seizures, they don't show the actual damage in MRI or an EEG. So you can't pinpoint and actually prove and so a lot of the times they didn't believe him for his young age at the time, at 34. He had a stroke. So a lot of these things played into pausing our dreams. And unfortunately, and fortunately it actually worked for us because we were able to strengthen our relationship together. And that is what I feel is the basis of our success.
Unknown Speaker 8:57
Next year, okay, right. You want to 5255225 So I am looking for my invitations. Are we in town it? Oh, that's the contest. We're out
Unknown Speaker 9:09
of town that weekend. It'll
Unknown Speaker 9:11
be st it'll be streamlined.
Unknown Speaker 9:12
I appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker 9:15
Because Rhonda, Rhonda look they can see to get married. Wedding has happened. And
Unknown Speaker 9:19
when I say spectacle, I mean spectrum. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 9:24
I am sure. Suzanne tell us I mean we heard about the seizures your family. Who are you? Well,
Unknown Speaker 9:31
I'm ZAN. Clancy. I have been in Vegas since 1984. I have seen this valley just so yes, when you go to high school, Clark Rancho language. I moved around a lot. I've been all over this valley. So when I say this is home, I mean this is home I can go east side I can go to Henderson I can go and I've got memories. I've got memories. The
Unknown Speaker 9:59
memories Oh Okay. Although the valley Yes. So the business, let's talk about it.
Unknown Speaker 10:06
When did it start? So 2018 He was in recovery for five years after the seizures and we, that's all he needed to hear recovery and boom, we went back to the business mindset. He I had
Unknown Speaker 10:17
to ask my doctor twice, because I need to make sure that did I just hear the gun go off that says I can start again? You know? And he's like, yes. And I'm like, alright, because again, like you said, no stress. And I was like, This is life, life happens. I'm like, but I need to know when I'm ready. Just learn
Unknown Speaker 10:34
some tools during this process to better deal with stress.
Unknown Speaker 10:39
Yes. And this is where mental health came into a huge priority. So
Unknown Speaker 10:44
was it your perception about what was going on? That was causing you think, like,
Unknown Speaker 10:49
not having boundaries, not knowing what boundaries should be? Not?
Unknown Speaker 10:54
Sorry, your lips up like that?
Unknown Speaker 11:00
This isn't directed at me. No,
Unknown Speaker 11:04
I get it. You know, unfortunately, especially generations, we all have generational education that, you know, are generational trauma, right? And that's, I was just gonna say, you know, it's it. What they say is, oh, well, that's just what it was. During that time. You don't understand that you were passing on trauma, toxic toxicity, traits. So it's one of those things where you have to start retraining your your train of thought unlearn certain habits. And when you do, you have to start monitoring your environment and realizing where it's coming from and start going. Hey, sis, or Hey, bro, you know, how about we turn those words around? Or how about we turn to energy? You say
Unknown Speaker 11:45
that differently?
Unknown Speaker 11:46
Exactly. You
Unknown Speaker 11:47
say that?
Unknown Speaker 11:48
Let's rephrase, because
Unknown Speaker 11:51
especially how we talk to ourselves. self talk. Absolutely. Because I was one of those I'd look in the mirror and oh, you're fat. You're ugly. You're you know,
Unknown Speaker 11:59
alas, I'm amazing. Every day I'm here. What are you? How are you? I'm amazing.
Unknown Speaker 12:07
Yeah, was amazing song I listened to I
Unknown Speaker 12:09
am and it might not be today, but I am.
Unknown Speaker 12:13
It really is. So that's that's where again, once you start accepting your truths, your realities and realizing that's not right, that's not healthy, and I'm not going to accept it anymore. The people in your life are either going to start seeing it, acknowledging it and going, Okay. I want this person because they're good to me, and I'm gonna I'm gonna accept these new changes, or they're gonna go, I don't like that. I don't like you. And it's gonna be like,
Speaker 1 12:40
yes. So toxic removal when it doesn't matter what they're trying to make it easy for me.
Unknown Speaker 12:46
Thank you making it easy, okay.
Unknown Speaker 12:49
It's one of those memes. You know, I don't like you. You don't like me?
Unknown Speaker 12:54
Which made my life though. We're the one that says how do you keep your peace? And he said, I don't argue idiots. And the guy comes back and forth. He was like you, right? I don't argue.
Unknown Speaker 13:05
So 2018 Yes. And his mindset was strong. Mine was excited. Because we were about to do this. I had been working for corporate America as a makeup artist for probably too long, too long. We'll just say that. And unfortunately, I've seen corporate at its worst on that level where I've, I've had to take people from other jobs just to help me and then they come and close my store and say, Oh, so sorry. Sorry about all those people that you just brought over and ruined, you know, their, their careers, but we're gonna close the store. So that was my joint point. And I could not do this. And with my soul and my rocket, my side, he saw what I was going through. I went on FMLA for the last three months, because it took a mental toll on me that I did this to people. And I knew man, I gained like, 30 pounds. I just I hate my feelings. And he's just like, Babe, there's something not right. He's just like, you need to figure this out. And he's just like, we need to start working for ourselves. And I had a mentor at the time. Yes, high five all the way around.
Unknown Speaker 14:05
We have around.
Unknown Speaker 14:08
And literally, I had a mentor at the time who showed me how we could just easily open up our own mobile hair and makeup business and make a difference for ourselves and work for ourselves and no longer take the stress of corporate America on my shoulders. I didn't need it because you create your own culture. Absolutely. We create our own destiny too. And it started with the trust and my partner and his trust in me and he says, enough's enough. You've had three weeks of this, get your butt in gear and do what we need to do.
Unknown Speaker 14:37
Well, we call it living life by design. I love that living life by design. I love so you are the creator of your destiny. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 14:44
So we literally hit the pavement running and we did our due diligence. did our research figured out what we need to do and we opened up our mobile elegance hair makeup company.
Unknown Speaker 14:55
So when you say mo question, yeah, have a truck. Oh, we come
Unknown Speaker 14:58
to you. Oh, you Oh Welcome to our brain light, our studio comes to you, our director's chair, we make a glamorous environment for you, wherever you're at. We love focusing on the strip with our brides coming to town, we do a lot of bridal hair and makeup. So it really gave us an opportunity to not only appreciate our town, but grow our talents and our skills, and then our business was just thriving at the same time. And we did so well for the first two years. And then we all know what happened and only 20 people so everything that we put into this business sacrifices that were made, literally, we lost it all. Lost, it all, couldn't do anything. We didn't get any help, because I still was qualified for the original unemployment versus the gig worker unemployment, and got pushed aside till November and didn't get any help. By the time it was there. And we're like, you know what, we don't need help. We're gonna figure this out. And then again, I leaned on my rock, and he said, Babe, you've been a passion for skin, you've wanted to get your esthetician license. So long, go get it, you've never taken the time off for yourself or anything. Now you're forced to. So we're already going to be in debt, might as well get that student loan and make a difference in your world. You
Unknown Speaker 16:13
are so smart. And I you
Unknown Speaker 16:15
know, you point that
Unknown Speaker 16:18
out because we were we were on the radio at that time. And we kept telling our listeners, especially entrepreneurs, now that you have downtime, it's time to go back to school, right? Because now you do whatever certificate or advanced education you need to grow your
Unknown Speaker 16:32
business. So that's what I did. So I got my CPA license. Yeah, I passed the CPA exam. And that's when I started because she was like, I'm gonna do it. Yeah. And I did it. And now was done. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 16:42
And better off, are you because of it? Oh, I
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got into a Ph. D. program. And I tell she's like, every time you get into something, you always go in my A, and I'm like, Yeah, but I'm in it. Exactly.
Unknown Speaker 16:57
You're in the sauce. So that's beautiful. So you can do facial, oh, yeah, I can do makeup. Yeah, full
Unknown Speaker 17:03
service, advanced aesthetics as well, we can do laser treatments, we can do chemical peels, we can really give the confidence. And that's where the whole beauty business came from was my passion to create confidence in all of us. I have had friends who have looked in the mirror and hated every moment. And when I met this one, he was the most beautiful being I've ever met. And he had this mentality. And he would look past himself in the mirror to do his hair, he wouldn't look at his face, he wouldn't look at itself. This body representation that we have in our head of who we are and what we look like, it's so defeating. And so for me, when you can smile and start your day off and feel amazing. And believe it, there's nothing that we can't do. So I wanted to incorporate that mindset into a business and how could I do it? What were my skill sets, beauty, my gifting to this planet is beauty. It started with makeup. And now I'm not so superficial, I give you permanent results. And that confidence. You don't have to wipe off your makeup and then lose your confidence anymore.
Unknown Speaker 18:04
That's fantastic. I
Unknown Speaker 18:05
like say that again that you don't have to wipe off your makeup and lose your
Unknown Speaker 18:10
confidence. A lot of times with women too. If you're not because I don't wear makeup.
Unknown Speaker 18:14
Right? It's perfect. And you have beautiful skin by the way.
Unknown Speaker 18:16
Thank you but loving Thank you. But that's but if I did the nighttime routine, because we're gonna talk about because I don't. And my I have an esthetician and she's telling me she's like Lee, are you doing it at night? No,
Unknown Speaker 18:28
we're just giving you the opportunity to lie to it. And I
Unknown Speaker 18:33
will tell you, I'm gonna tell you the truth. I'm not taking that medication. I'm not doing that. Okay, I will do that. But I'm not doing this. Yep. That's nice. Let's talk about the routines though. Yeah, the morning routine. There is a morning routine and I believe you can spend a bunch of money do you have to spend a bunch
Unknown Speaker 18:47
of no we have, we have a thing that we like to call it and it's beauty on a budget for those who need it. You know, we show you what we represent. We love SkinCeuticals that's the number one medical grade of skincare in in the world. And that's who I utilize in my clinic. However, I realized that not everybody can afford that. So I always send a little dupe there's dupes for everything in this world. Okay, we can get you a dupe to get you the stuff that you need, until you can really set aside the money that you need to get those pieces because it's not just a fancy bag that you're carrying around. It is a serum that's going to do what it needs to give you that boost of glow, that confidence that you love. It's it's something that's gonna work for you. So we want to save our money. We don't want we don't want to put anything cheap on our face, right? There are knock offs that we can, we can fake it really well. But when it comes to your face, don't don't go cheap. Save it. Minimize until you can maximize. And so it starts with a good morning routine. Your your number one thing is I always say double cleanse and it doesn't mean cleanse with two different cleanser. So if you don't have them, use one. Just do it twice. Because they face twice.
Unknown Speaker 19:56
So when you so when you're washing your face,
Unknown Speaker 19:58
your face twice yeah An absolutely 32nd scrub, rinse 32nd Scrub rinse,
Unknown Speaker 20:03
I did that. But you know what, that's how I that's how I take a shower though. I do three though that's perfect is three Yes.
Unknown Speaker 20:09
And that's three. Absolutely. And then when you're out of the shower, grab your vitamin C, your first thing that you put on your skin is vitamin C, we live in a town where UVA UVB is at an all time high, the radiation levels that we feel they will damage our skin on such a level SPF is no longer enough ladies, SPF is no longer enough. So vitamin C. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 20:32
Ellen, you have to get an actual real vitamins. Yeah, if you get something with vitamin C in the first ingredient is water. That's not it. That's what's gonna work for
Unknown Speaker 20:39
so what Okay, so vitamin C, where would I get the vitamin C? So
Unknown Speaker 20:42
what I like to tell people is how I got my passion for ingredients is I grabbed Google. And if I started typing in, what is my skin need? What type of vitamin C should I be using? And then I got my training through a static School found out Oh, that was actually pretty accurate. So I told my people,
Unknown Speaker 20:59
so Google might know what it's talking about. Google knows a lot ask. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 21:08
Gotcha. So entrepreneurs out there, you have to have to have to take good care of your skin and your mental. So desired Culture House of beauty is located at 879 West Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, Nevada. 89147. The number is and the number is 70220505691. More time seven zero to 2050569. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 21:44
you've been listening to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford. I'm Rhonda
Unknown Speaker 21:47
Nolan. And we are here with the desire culture, Hausa beauty owners, and they are gracing us with their presence
Unknown Speaker 21:55
they are all about so back to the vitamin seekers, I'm gonna have the Google where do I get this vitamin C thing from because I'm used to Rand and all that other stuff. So let's talk about the vitamins. Well,
Unknown Speaker 22:05
what I always recommend is coming in and getting a complimentary consultation and let my facial scan, do the job for us. The technology that we have access to these days is amazing. There's no more my opinion. Here's the technology to give us the actual facts. So there are multiple types of vitamin C's at different percentages, we need to know what your skin can handle. So I always invite you to my clinic to sit down, have a little chat with me and get to know each other a little bit. And then we'll do a facial scan and it'll show us how sensitive your skin is on the surface as well as underneath the surface. And we can really determine a skincare line and a treatment journey that's going to be best for you no more putting money where you don't need it because the treatment might not or might not be for you. When we set this plan ahead of you. There is no guessing game. Technology is here for us to lead us in the direction that we need to save your money because you're not wasting money on treatments that you don't need or products that you don't need. It's actually really giving you everything that you need broken down and then you can break it in piece by piece element one piece at a time. Don't feel like you got to break the bank to buy all new skincare. Incorporate one it starts with a great cleanser though. If I can give a great piece of advice. Get yourself a good cleanser. Know what's in your cleanser. Know what's on know what's going on your face. It makes a difference
Unknown Speaker 23:21
face Yep. Like you should know what's going on in your body. That's another thing right?
Unknown Speaker 23:27
Absolutely mind body and soul drinking water. I brought mine with me. I love my alkaline water pH balanced 9.5 It really allows my body to absorb it and give my skin that hydration that it needs. We all know that this wonderful tech city we live in is the worst when it comes to dehydration and sunstroke, all of the things we have to be prepared. So we always promote water you'll always get when when you walk in my clinic. I am a pusher of water. And I educate you on the benefits of drinking alkaline water versus just traditional bottled water.
Unknown Speaker 23:58
I drink alkaline
Unknown Speaker 23:59
water absolutely to it makes me feel different.
Unknown Speaker 24:02
Well your body allows the detox that it needs when the water actually absorbs into otherwise you're just gonna pee it right out. And it's a waste of your skin. People don't like to drink water so like you're just wasting
Unknown Speaker 24:12
and that's the thing. That's yeah, no, because when you I guess when you are drinking and going into the bags, I'm like, Okay, I gotta go to the bathroom whenever I get in before I get in the car.
Unknown Speaker 24:21
Yep. Everybody who knows who comes to desire couture knows that we love our alkaline water and you will go home with a bottle. And I'll tell you, Albertsons has their version. That's not again, you don't have to break the bank. We don't have to go bougie pay attention to what you buy, you know and make sure that you're actually utilizing it because
Unknown Speaker 24:40
but again, we say self care self love, your worth it self care is not selfish. That's my other favorite. If it's a $2 bottle of water, are you worth $2? Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 24:50
If it's $100 product is your face worth it?
Unknown Speaker 24:53
I'll tell you about Miss Rhonda because men beat me and Miss rock. Miss Rhonda is it Yes, oh, yes, my buy you a bottle too, right? So worth it so worth
Unknown Speaker 25:06
it. But so these are the things we practice in our what we call beauty dojo. So as much as we provide skincare in hairstyles and stuff, we also try and provide a comfortable environment where mental health is nurtured
Unknown Speaker 25:18
one, that's one of the main things that I shared with on the panel is that we created an LGBT safe space for those in our community as well as our allies. We are a gay owned and operated business. However, that does not mean that's all we cater to.
Unknown Speaker 25:32
And I'm glad you said that no, because it's very important it is. Because we're all human, we
Unknown Speaker 25:38
are in QA. Unfortunately, we have to establish that we've created a safe space. Unfortunately, it's not just assumed, but we all deserve. No matter who we love, what color we are, where we came from, we deserve to feel good about ourselves. Absolutely. be unhappy with your
Unknown Speaker 25:55
I grew up with nothing but women. I you know, so again, I have this strong sense of needing security and safety for people to feel like you know what, like,
Unknown Speaker 26:05
they're safe and secure. And they can be vulnerable. Absolutely, yeah. We get into your skin.
Unknown Speaker 26:10
Oh, we're talking about some disgusting things, ladies, and I'm here like, Ooh, yeah. But a lot of people don't feel comfortable talking about a pimple or maybe a mole that's turning a little bit off color. And it's in a location that you're not feeling comfortable. And even with laser hair removal, it's the simplest act of removing body hair. Because you have some on the face on the neck. You don't want it it ruins your confidence. So we talk about everything. Everything okay, so
Unknown Speaker 26:39
we just, we're just gonna go all in
Unknown Speaker 26:40
and also yes, and the best part is where your insecurities we're gonna let you know, are not just you. It's a human thing. So you know how many of us go through something very similar. And the thing is, we can do something about it, if it bothers you that much. First,
Unknown Speaker 26:56
you got to address it, identify it, identify it, so that we can address it in a healthy way. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 27:01
And here's the thing, let's not, let's not keep focusing on it so much to make it this thing, but it really isn't.
Unknown Speaker 27:08
Well, you know what, gentlemen, I want to thank you. Oh, thank you for accepting my invitation. To come on the show. Anytime that we can book those appointments
Unknown Speaker 27:18
absolutely do a consultation. So we can get these faces
Unknown Speaker 27:23
in all these body things. Exactly. Alright, so I have one more, the head to heal fundraiser gala to benefit 20 pearls Foundation, no 20 pearls foundation is here Las Vegas, and they're having their signature fundraiser, hats and heels. It's definitely it is notice fun. And so it's September 22. It's going to be at the terrace banquet Ballroom in Henderson. They're gonna have a live auction, silent auction, a raffle. It's going to be hats, heels, brim and bow tie. So men and women, okay, you can
Unknown Speaker 27:55
love that. Right? So maybe we can get a facial donated in a raffle or
Unknown Speaker 28:01
not. I appreciate that.
Unknown Speaker 28:03
I would love to we'd love doing that in this town. Our charity events are everything. So however we can help out, just get you experience a nice treatment. And sometimes we just need somebody to win a raffle. Right. And
Unknown Speaker 28:14
the benefits from I can't say the benefit from this gala from this event are for scholarships, scholarships to high school seniors, you've
Unknown Speaker 28:23
got education going and the website
Unknown Speaker 28:24
is LV 20 That's L V two zero purls.or. Gentlemen, yes, I will let them know that you will donate a well let's talk about it. What that what what that looks like so. All right. It's time to go time ago.
Unknown Speaker 28:43
We come back sometime soon. Yes, of course. On the calendar. We started our morning so fabulous. I wish we could have this every day. Amazing.
Unknown Speaker 28:52
Again. Good. Listen to Let's Talk Leah and Rhonda show. I'm Lea Crawford.
Unknown Speaker 28:55
I'm Rhonda Nolan. And we are so happy Las Vegas entrepreneurs. You're out there listening to us and we have two wonderful guests. Thank you so much. Thank you, and peace of love forward to seeing you again. Stay Beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 29:06
Thank you Peace and blessings and blessings.
Transcribed by