Empowering Entrepreneurs in North Las Vegas: Financial Tools and Community Support

Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford. And I'm Rhonda Nolan and you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning in Las Vegas. This is Lea Crawford. I am here with you this early Saturday morning. Miss Rhonda Nolan is not here with us today. Yay. We're gonna miss her. Hopefully we will see her next week. Today Today Today well I can tell you I got up early because you know Rhonda was say did you work out? Did you work out? Yes, I did work out that early morning walk y'all when I tell you guys at 767 o'clock at six o'clock in the morning. It is beautiful in Las Vegas. Absolutely gorgeous. Not so much at 12 but at 6am It is absolutely gorgeous. Well today we have a very special guest that has joined us again. Frank say hi to everybody. Hello everybody. Thank you for having me Rhonda.

Unknown Speaker 1:28
I'm Lea Rhonda is not here see Sorry. Got all nervous. Got a little nervous. Yeah, even though I've been here before, you know, I still get a little nervous. That's okay. That's something I've known you from before so I don't know why.

Unknown Speaker 1:41
We did downtown Las Vegas Alliance. We you know, you came on the show. enjoy working with you.

Unknown Speaker 1:48
Chicanos, Por La Causa organization here. You're downtown Las Vegas. Correct? Correct. What is Chicanos Por La casa o. Chicanos Por La Casa. It's a nonprofit organization. And even though it says Chicanos Por La casa, we, we assist. Everyone in the community doesn't there's no difference and you don't even Hispanic, African, American, Asian, so we we help everybody in the community. So that's something that we get clarified. Now. Chicanos Por La County has been around as the you know, the main office is in Arizona, that's where they started back in the 80s. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:24
In the night, and

Unknown Speaker 2:27
in the 2000s, as when Preston was CDFI came out, you know, came about helping the, the small business entrepreneurs, I'm in the for profit side of the organization, okay. on the nonprofit side, we do have other programs and services, we have housing, we have youth build, we have

Unknown Speaker 2:45
other resources for the community, by my role as a business development officer for Podesta, Mo CDFI, I'm pretty much in charge of developing, you know, in helping assisting business owners

Unknown Speaker 3:00
on how to become obtain financing, obtaining financing for most people CDFI what it means is a community development financial institution, right. And pretty much these are, we offer high quality financial services for small businesses, right. Especially for startups. As you know, most people if they're starting a business,

Unknown Speaker 3:22
whenever they try to go through financing, either through a major institution, they won't be able to obtain financing. It's harder, yes, it is harder, because you have to have at least two years of business history. Okay. So we're like the stepping stone into that

Unknown Speaker 3:37
ability for them to obtain financing. Okay, so being a stepping stone for them for them to obtain financing because you came in here, you handed me these beautiful flyers, talking about rebuild your credit, free technical assistance, it's an opportunity grant for $5,000. Right? What is that? So we were working with in conjunction with the city of North Las Vegas with a couple of programs, okay, one of them is like the one that you meant. The one that you just mentioned, is what's called the credit builder program. So what we're trying to do is put the word out there, for anybody that owns a business in the city of North Las Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 4:14
If their credit score is under 650, either because their creditors, they have collections, they have a charge off or they're over the limit on the credit cards. We have a three step program that we're implementing for this particular for this for this particular individuals. Okay, the first one will be we're gonna give them a $1,200 loan $1,200 loan. Yeah, this is a six month program. So what we're trying to do is build a 12 month payment history, right? So being that it's a six month program that's gonna require for them to make two payments per month on the initial $1,200. The $1,200 are going to be used either to pay down credit cards, pay off a collection or collections

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Oh, charge off. And so that way that can, you know, help the score, you know, increase the score, right. Some people have, you know, 500 sometimes, you know, they have, you know, 600 As long as the credit score is under 650 credit. So the first requirement is the credit score has to be under 650. Correct first requirement, what's the second requirement? Second requirement is they have to be licensed in the city of North Las Vegas. And they do have to provide, you know, some documentation they got to provide again, though, the business license for the city of North Las Vegas,

Unknown Speaker 5:35
the state of Nevada license for those people that don't have a city of Las North Las Vegas business license, as long as they show that they applied for the business license, and we get the receipt, but if you have a multi jurisdictional license, that has the business has to be located in the city of North Las Vegas, got it even if you have a multi jurisdictional license, correct. You just have to be located. And that's good to know because they are now because now we have the multi jurisdictional license. Yes, but the business just still has to be located. North Las Vegas. Yeah, if it's if it's a brick and mortar though, it has to be located in the city of North Las Vegas. If a person works from home, they have to live in Las Vegas exactly homebase this, this has to be in the city of North Las Exactly. And if they applied for it, they're eligible. I did hear you say that I wanted to correct? Yeah, some most people have just the state of Nevada business license. And they don't realize they operate in North Las Vegas, they do have to have a city City, North Las Vegas slice Well, it's wherever you operate. So whether it is in County jurisdiction, whatever jurisdiction, if you're operating a business and you have that silver film license, you're supposed to have the the also the jurisdictional license to create your business, you'd be surprised I get a lot of calls like, Well, I wasn't told that I needed a, you know, a license for the surgery, you know, with the city that I'm living in. And so, you know, it's a requirement. The other call I get is, I didn't know I had to renew it annually, right? That's another call. And when you don't, because there are fees associated when you don't renew it annually, and you have to state kind of sort of have to stay on top of that. Exactly. So I kind of put a calendar request for my you guys, like, you know what, on this day, I have 15 days before you started, you know, getting prepared to get the you know, the license renewed. So, yeah, and that's something that it's usually it's gonna be required. Now, these this particular program has to be for existing businesses, there have to be a minimum on six months in operation for them to qualify for this program. If it's a brand new business, we can assist them with that because, you know, obviously, we need some type of financial records for the business. So they have to be minimum in six months in operation six month, okay, so six months in operation, a state business license, a city of North Las Vegas license, but it can be multi jurisdictional. Right? If you have your, your your business, you live in North Las Vegas or your business, the brick and mortar is in North Las Vegas, correct.

Unknown Speaker 8:03
I like it, I like it, and they have to have a 650 or Lower School 650 or lower, and again, they go go, we're gonna establish a $1,200 initial loan, right? They're gonna, they're gonna be required to make two payments per month one on the first one on the 15th for the next six months. Now, with that being said, not only that we give over six months, though, if you pay on the first Oh, so you making $100 every payment, right? Okay, so, one 146 per every, every two weeks, right? For six months to cover that $1,200 That is about a 505 5% interest rate, which is about $17 in total interest. For the for the for the six months that you're using those funds, got it, are you gonna be able to pay off a collection, you're gonna be able to bring down a credit card balance or you know, pay off sourdough, do something with it. Now, part of that program being that it's a six month program, not only that they are able to pay down a credit card or roll collection, but they are going to be provided with six months of financial literacy. Oh, let's talk about that. Yes, wellness, I believe no, you're listening to the less awkward Lea and Rhonda show. I'm Lea Crawford and today we have Mr. Frank on here because Mr. Frank Ark because sometimes I miss it. I don't like to mess up people's name is Ruvalcaba Rubalcaba. rubocop if you don't pronounce the L makes makes it much easier to pronounce.

Unknown Speaker 9:22
Otherwise, it's a tongue twister.

Unknown Speaker 9:25
Got it? So we're here today he's talking about the programs that he that he's working with, which account knows Por La Causa He's pressed ammos they have a loan program that's out there for businesses and North Las Vegas. The contact number is 725-263-0291. Again, 7252630 to nine one. All right, Frank, you're about to go on to something else with it. The program afterwards. So what are you what

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Would you like for participants that receive this 12 to $1,200? What is the what else is required? Well, they will be required to participate in six financial literacy classes, either they can do it in two to two different ways. One, they can do one class per month for the next for the next six months, or we're going to be offering weekly classes, so they can take one class per week for the next six weeks. Okay, so let's talk about the class, what type of classes they're pretty much financial leadership classes each, each month, each class is going to be different, they're gonna, they're gonna talk about credit, how to manage your finances, things like that to aid to educate you now on the on, when they whenever they enroll, or whenever they start the program, they're going to be initially tested to see how much knowledge they have on financial literacy, okay, because we have to have a baseline, the whole purpose of this six months class six classes is for them to increase their knowledge and financial literacy. So at the end of the six classes, they're going to be taken, they're going to be, they're going to take a test, a final test, to assess how much they improved from the beginning of the of the program to the end of the program. So with that being said, after, after they take the six classes, and you know, they show passing scores, another another part of the requirement is that they're gonna have to be working with a business coach for 10 hours for the total time of the of the program while you get coaches nice, yes. So this will, the coaches will allow them to provide them you know, better, you know, to get tips on how to improve their business, how to make it better, how to increase their sales, things like that. So they are going to be working with a business coach for the next for 10 hours on the six month program. Okay. So as long as they successfully make the payments on time, okay, as long as they successfully successfully complete the classes and pass the final test, whether, you know,

Unknown Speaker 11:54
for the financial literacy test, they have to have a 75%, or higher or better score, and they

Unknown Speaker 12:01
finish the 10 hours of business coaching, we can submit all their documentation to the city of North Las Vegas. And that's when they can obtain a grant up to $5,000. And that grant can be used either to if they have more than 12 100,000 collections, they can pay down more of them pay off more of the collections that they have, they can use the 5000 to inject into their business. And if they need to equipment or they need supplies or inventory, they clips that pay based on everything, anything they can use with that initial 5000. I mean, with that $5,000 grant, you know, that's something that that would, that's what we're pushing, you know, not only that they get a better their scores, they get knowledge behind or they're built, they get coached, how to be a better business owner, and they still know get it you fight. That's not the end of the program. All right. So we're going to go over this one more time, for those that are just tuning in someone that that just might have missed it. Just to recap it real quick before we go into the other programs, right? You guys have

Unknown Speaker 13:03
to even get started with the program to apply. Business has to be in North Las Vegas, that's fine when there's a home based business multijurisdictional brick and mortar needs to be in North Las Vegas. Correct? All right. Second requirement, because I didn't write it down, I'm trying to go by memory. Now good memory 650 score, no more than 650 score or less, right? So this one, right? Like this, right? Here goes. If you have back, this is for you, right? Because we want to help you start to be a successful business owner and improve your and improve your credit.

Unknown Speaker 13:37
State business license, which would mean when you whether you're a sole proprietor LLC corporation, you need your state business license, but you need that in order to get your door jurisdictional license, you need to have been in business for six months, or more or more, because we need a little bit of history right for you to for you to come into the classes did I miss anything? Don't when they call me I can give you more details. We have a limited time. But I just want to make sure that we give them the the gist of it so that they know when they if you meet those require or if you know someone that meets those requirements. This could be an amazing program for them. Again, the number is 72526302917252630291. What I love about it is is programming behind it. Because you're actually I'm going to bring you in we're going to assess you and we're not just going to we know and we're going to help you in the beginning stages to be successful. Correct because everyone starts somewhere. Yeah, and that's the thing is everybody wants to start a business. But unfortunately, they don't have a roadmap to that. And they're not they're not gonna be as successful as they should, you know, and part of our services when you know if they

Unknown Speaker 14:49
we offer other regular financing regular loans for startups as well.

Unknown Speaker 14:55
If a person wants to start a startup, and they don't have a business

Unknown Speaker 15:00
I don't have projections, that's something that we can assist him with that we will take him, we'll put them into a with one of our business coaches or techniques into our technical assistant department. So they can work with one of our business advisors. So they can create a business plan, create projections for 24 months, so they can apply for a loan. Okay, so and we work with the three C's of credit, credit collateral capacity. So we that's what we look at, to make sure that they're able to, you know, open up business, make sure that they're in the right in the right path, so they can be successful in their, in their new venture. So, you know, we help, you know, and we also assist businesses that are already in business, they have been operation for more than, you know, for more than two years.

Unknown Speaker 15:43
And he they need equipment, they need working capital, things like that, we can assist him with that as well. And this, the the regular loan programs work pretty much in the entire state of Nevada. Oh, well, we're we've covered this the entire state of Nevada, the program that we just mentioned, the credit builder program is only for the city of North Las only for the city of Las Vegas. But for the state of Nevada, you do have for other businesses in Nevada, there is a program, you might not qualify for this if you're not in the city, but there might be something there something else that you can provide for other business owners, or existing business owners. Right. All right. So the 3% business loan program, city in North Las Vegas, up to $100,000. Correct up to $100,000. Talk to me about that. Now this program, again, you know, the business has to be located in the city, the brick and mortar same thing brick and mortar in North Las Vegas, correct. So this is very important, because they want to make sure that they you know, the business is located. Now on this one, it's a little more strict as far as like the area where the the target area, they want to target, you know, a certain corridor. So once with a census tract, the clock qualifies. Exactly, so.

Unknown Speaker 16:58
So that's where we're gonna be targeting. And that's really important, when they call me, you know, I'll check their address, make sure that they're in that jurisdiction, so they can qualify for this program. And this program is really good, we have $685,000 available to lend to small business owners, it could be in this program in this particular program with a 3% interest rate,

Unknown Speaker 17:20
the loans can range anywhere from $500, up to $15,000, without any collateral, right, the loan terms are up to 24 months, depending on the size of the loan.

Unknown Speaker 17:32
If the the they can go up from $50,000 or higher 50 to $100,000, then that can be up to 10 year loan, okay. So the larger the loan amount, the longer correct, because otherwise, you know, the, it's gonna allow them to have a more comfortable payment. Right. So that's something that we were pushing to get these, this these funds out into the community so they can take advantage of the 3% interest rate. You know, as as you all know, interest rates are, you know, high at this point. So when you're talking about a 3% interest rate in the city of North Las Vegas is pushing this money out, you know, it's essential for people to start, it's just to know about it, for us to promote it and let people know that, hey, you know, your need, you need to buy equipment, you need working capital, you need to

Unknown Speaker 18:23
expand your business, you know that we have the funds available for you to you know, take advantage of it. And this also can be used for startups. So if it's a brand new business, the city of North Las Vegas is allowing these funds to be used for startup companies as well. So just existing companies, but people that want to start their business. So if you want to start your business and North Las Vegas, like you said, there are a bunch of different programs that you have undepressed mo CDFI. And Mr. Frank 725-263-0291. Again, 725-263-0291. Because these programs while they're there, even if you don't qualify for these, there could be something or some way that you can help business owners correct or guide them through the process because most people don't know where to start, you know, to be a business. You don't know you don't know where to start. Yeah, and if they're currently working at they're currently an employee of a company we can use on when they're starting up the business, we can use their current income, and the projections of the new business to help them qualify for regular, you know, for regular financing, and working, we can coach them through the whole process. Now on a brand new business, some of the services that we offer, as I mentioned, technical assistance, create their business plan projections. We also have a marketing department that they can assist them with building a website at no cost. The only thing they're responsible for is a hosting fee for the for the website, your domain, the domain yeah and then the other thing is that if they don't have a logo, we can you know, our marketing the

Unknown Speaker 20:00
I'm in can help them create this logo. So those are the services that we offer as far as you know, the entire first time was in Chicanos Por La Casa organization. But mainly like I said, we're My department is for me to promote the lending side of the of the of the organization make sure that we bring these programs into into market so we can let the community know, hey, we're here we have financing available, we have these special programs with the city of North Las Vegas, credit builder 3% interest rate on a regular loan, definitely, we try to assist you as much as we can. Right. I love it. I love it. I love it. So what I can say is I cannot even though I don't want to do the programs, you know, I love classes. And even though I've been in business for 17 years now, I enjoy going to the classes because there's always something new especially around AI now, I'm intrigued by AI. So I want to I want to learn more and about websites and about how do you get customers because things are always changing. So how do you appeal to this market? Correct? This market is not the same anymore. It changes I mean with with so much social media now involve everybody, it's all digital now. Before it was like you can just create a flyer pass it on and and and you did somebody a flyer now they're like, oh, yeah, what is that? What is that? So everything now social media. So yeah, you gotta be up to the times as to you know, technology's changed digital cards. Yes, I have a digital card. And I'm like, Oh, the kid this is pretty cool. Because you just tap it on the phone and it'll capture it will provide your information and it at the same time it will capture the recipients you know, of the card. So it's pretty high tech now. And it's amazing how technology has shifted from you know, from years back so it just a couple years, no hand and people cards. I was looking at that. I was like, because I got my first digital card about a year ago. Okay, I was like, Oh, this is cool. With the different apps. I'm like, Okay, this is this. This is interesting. Don't use it as much. Yeah, still like here. This is the card and you can change the stuff on a card. Exactly. Yeah. Well, I handed you my regular paper business card. I appreciate that. And I even though I have a digital right on my phone, so it's in it just the habit of giving people you know, just old school, I guess you can call it just old school. Yeah, old school. Alright, so again,

Unknown Speaker 22:22
the services that are offered, let's just go over one more time you have the list. Tell me about it, you have the the North Las Vegas credit builder program. Okay, that entails a grant at the end of the program, as long as they successfully complete the program, make payments on time on the initial 1200 All loan to pay off down to pay down credit cards to pay off collections charge offs, successfully complete the six financial literacy classes successfully complete the 10 hours of business coaches that are providing and if they do all that, we can submit the stuff to the city of North Las Vegas, so they can get up to a $5,000 grant, in addition to the initial $1,200. Okay, that's for the North lead for the credit builder program. Okay, the 3% interest rate loan program that is for people that are either starting a business, that they're located brick and mortar or a home based business in the city of North Las Vegas, and we can provide them anywhere from $500 up to $100,000

Unknown Speaker 23:24
with a 3% interest rate, and they can use it to start up they can buy for equipment, working capital, things like that. So and then you will help them you will help the businesses through the process. Right You don't have to come in here knowing correct any of the if they have questions. I mean, I'm always available they can call me at my number 72526302917252630291 My office is local you know we're in downtown

Unknown Speaker 23:52
Las Vegas off of the corner of

Unknown Speaker 23:55
Bonanza, Maryland Parkway used to be an old bank building so it'd be old bank building at 555 North Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, Nevada. 89101. So right smack dab in the middle of the city kinda kinda Yeah, kind of in the middle of the city. Alright, so I am excited. If you are a business owner, you're aspiring to be a business owner. Even if these programs are now for you just contacting press the most. We can help you get started. If you want to be a business owner, they can help you get there. If you're in business, they can assist you with the technological assistance and if you're in North Las Vegas, they just have more programs for you correct and more programs for you. And if you're outside North Las Vegas, we serve as entire State of Nevada. So if you're in Reno miski anywhere in Nevada, we can assist you with you know with our regular business loans. Obviously these North Las Vegas laws will not apply in Mesquite or you know, Reno Reno like that, but if they need assistance in it, they're you know,

Unknown Speaker 24:57
anywhere in the state of Nevada we can try and

Unknown Speaker 25:00
A system with a bid Raven traditional business loan, or if they're starting up, we can help them with technical assistance to get their business started. All right, well, I love it. I love it. Well, Frank, I want to thank you. I have a couple of public service announcements that I need to make for some organizations. And we're gonna get that phone number again, though. So the phone number is 725-263-0291. Again, 725-263-0291. So when we talk about talking all the time, and are you a Toastmaster? Have you ever done Toastmasters before? I've signed up for their Facebook stuff, but I haven't really been into a Toastmasters? Well, we have a virtual Toastmasters Club. Oh, wow. So we meet the first and third Monday of the month. It is called I don't want to because I'm in two clubs, late lamda linguist, okay, lambda linguist. And if you Google lambda, linguists says, No, you can basically get information about it, but it's virtual. Okay. And what I love about it is six o'clock. They have a whole Toastmasters meeting virtually and you'll get you'll meet some amazing people hear some amazing stories. You know, I'm also a member of lunchtime talkers. So lunchtime talkers, we meet the first and third Thursdays at the Urban Chamber of Commerce. Okay. And the numbers 70264862227026486222. With lunchtime talkers, again, a Toastmasters meeting is at 12 o'clock in the middle today. lammed a linguist is Monday and the first and third Monday as sixth and last time talkers is the first and third Thursday at noon. Okay. And what I love about Toastmasters speaking, listening to your owns, so you know, and different things like that. Being able to have a conversation fluidly, right, being coherent and also getting feedback. Getting good feedback. So Toastmasters. If you're interested in speaking lunchtime talkers lammed. The language I'm a member of both clubs would love to see anyone that wants to get better at speaking. Also 20 pearls foundations when he pearls Foundation, they are having their annual hats, heels, brims and bow ties. Whoa. Right. So it is September 22 2024. from two to five at the terrace banquet hall in Henderson, Nevada. For more information you can

Unknown Speaker 27:26
go to L V. 20 pearls.org. That's L V. 20 pearls.org. You know, their, their event is for scholarships. Those proceeds go to scholarships for high school students. Oh, that is nice, but it's gonna be brims and bow ties had to heal. So we're bringing the men and women together, we're gonna have a good time in the afternoon. And just, you know, a way to kick back when a son sounds like fun sounds like fun. Sounds like fun. Well, that is the end of our show today. Frank, you want to know what thank you for accepting the invitation coming on, I want to bring you back. Because as you guys get new programs, I want to expose our audience to them. So that they can take people can take advantage of because, you know, they need to know that you guys are there you doing some amazing work in the valley? Exactly. Yeah, we got to pass the word and you know, that way they can see you know, that way they don't have they have a place to go of or to obtain assistance. So this is what we're here for. We help trying to help the community. And again, thank you for giving me the time being your program and so we can pass on this information. This is this has been great. You know, I appreciate your you know, as a as an individual, I've known you personally. And you're doing an amazing job with the community providing all this information which you know, it's important for people to know about what's out there. What's out there. All right. And so next week yeah, we have an amazing guests coming on next week. I think I'm not sure who's coming but until next week, Rhonda be back in the studio with us peace and blessings Las Vegas by

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Empowering Entrepreneurs in North Las Vegas: Financial Tools and Community Support
Broadcast by