Celebrating Community and Empowering Future Leaders: A Conversation with Leaha and Rhonda
Unknown Speaker 0:00
This is a que un the studio's original program. The following is a paid program sponsored by Crawford management group and smart time consultants. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not represent the views of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of Nevada System of Higher Education.
Unknown Speaker 0:27
Hi, my name is Leah Crawford. And I'm Rhonda Nolan and you're listening to the let's talk with Leah and Rhonda show for all the beautiful entrepreneurs out there. This is for you. Good morning. Las Vegas. Lee. How are you doing this morning? You want to know what Rhonda? Absolutely amazing. I want to say a special shout out though to miss Christie means we have been walking every morning. Going Christy said Leah you pick the hottest time of the year to decide to walk this is before the first day right? We get out there. She was like oh, I need a sweater is yes. up at five in the morning. But yeah, it's actually pretty outside. Very nice. Very beautiful. Perfect is is because at midnight is still hot. Correct? I guess I need another four or five hours to cool. Yes. Still, it's still tripled. It's been triple digits. Eight 910 o'clock at night has still been triple digit got it so early in the morning. It is absolutely gorgeous. Take a nice little wall. So glad you're in. I am into and actually the way to I mean, is getting back. No, I'm getting back. I'd love to get ready to add a little bit more into it. Alright, so I can get back. Totally. You know where I want to be. I'm excited.
Unknown Speaker 1:39
Yeah, and Leah, how was your Fourth of July? You want we do a family gathering on the historic west side. And they'd like fireworks. Oh, so bringing them on? Yeah, yeah. It was good base. And then we know the food because it's, I can say you know, thank you Miss Henrietta Thompson Miss Henrietta Thompson because it is always over the top because she has this like a buffet style because there's so many people. There is so much food that people take home food now does she prepare all the food or a lot of boring food? A lot of No. So she's very particular about who prepares the food. Okay, so
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if you get invited to prepare something, you know we but it's a lot of food now that she shut down her Street for this picnic? No. We talked about it but those houses. So if you ever go to the houses over there off of Lake me in D between D and J Yeah. Right. You've been around. So in her backyard. Let me just say in her backyard. We can put we put a dunk a bull, a tent for the food, whole tent for the food Margarita machine. One of those big slides. This is the backyard. Wow. And there's still a little bit of more space for us to put some more stuff. We had a big Kinect for for you to play. And then in the front yard, we have seating so you can sit down and eat your meal. Oh, okay, so you just got an issue for porta potties. And she puts porta potties out so you don't have to come in the house and go to the bear. Oh, that's wonderful. Yeah. And then they have she calls for special trash pickup. So normally, I mean, in this year is like always, it's about maybe 75 to 100 people Wow, easily that come through. And we have an amazing time. Of course I do jello shots. Oh, right. My jello shots. And she's like, you know, she tried to help you know, sometimes have other people don't She's like Nataliya we need your jello shots, because my jello shots are, you know, hot water liqueur, right, in yellow, right. And there's a little bit of hot water
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on the core. But we have an amazing time. It's a good time to reconnect with people, because everyone is busy or productive in their lives. So it's a good time just to take the day off connect with some people laugh joke, because we might not see each other again for neck for another couple of months. Oh, what sort of holiday season comes and Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving and Christmas. But how was your fourth? My fourth of July was very relaxing. I didn't do anything. I just relaxed and made myself some nice food called all my family and friends around the country to say hello and I just relaxed because the last two months has been correct. And very busy. I want to say Shouts out to you because that event last Saturday was the white all white event was absolutely trying to find another word. It was extravagant. It was it was very, very well put together. Well thank you very much. I appreciate it. The 100 black men in Las Vegas celebrated their 25th anniversary in the Las Vegas community last Saturday night. And we had the community come out and hang out with us and it was it was fantastic. And then we gave away some money. We gave away $25,000 in scholarships to five lucky students here from Las Vegas and one of them is attending how
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Our universe. Yeah. So you know, the Howard people were very excited, but one of the young men, he's not attending how he's attending another HBCU. But I was very impressed because he's a pilot. Yeah, he was flying. And when he got to, when he got the announcement that he won the award, I was, I was impressed as well. He's, he's, he's a pilot. He has his pilot's license. Yes, I was like so. So congratulations to all five of the winners. But you all did well, but you know, those couple stood out for us. Those couple of did stand out. And the very interesting thing about the Howard law, I mean, with the Howard Stern potential, well, I caught my baby bison. Yeah, baby bison, as I've talked to him, and will text him back and forth. And actually, I'm looking forward to getting to know him better. Because he won't be here at the end of the summer. When we do the freshmen sendoff, oh, he will, he will not be here because he's in a band. He's already gone. He's gone. He has to do his origin, his freshman orientation when we do that, so he will not be here. But when I tell you, it's exciting to see the community come out and award scholarships to children. Because a lot of these children are still first generation college students are first generation college students. I know Hannah brown Community Development Center, gave out a bunch of scholarships, and just different organizations around Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated. Well, it's funny pearls Foundation, gave out a bunch of scholarships. So they're supporting higher education. And children are going everywhere, they're coming here to UNLV they're going to UN are the HBCUs across the country, our children, you know, they want something different, you know, being at first gen and it comes being a first gen college student is, you know, it's, it's interesting, right? Because you're in school for the first time, you really don't have this, where you have a support system, but sometimes the support system that they don't understand how to support you in this endeavor, right. And some people talk about getting degrees, to me is not an option for my descendants, you know, children, grandchildren, not option. You know, school doesn't end in 12th grade. I am, you know, I'm a proponent of higher education, I think it's very important to have a Bachelor's degrees in some in something, even if it's basket weaving, you're gonna be the best basket weaver out there because we're gonna find a program that offers basket weaving. And you're gonna that's what you're interested in. Exactly. But I you know, I'm a proponent of higher education. So we're very excited. We like to say thank you to our community sponsors and help us make possible for this event to happen. Caesars Palace, MGM Resorts International, the sands Corporation, the Las Vegas Raiders, the Lewis Family Foundation, Cox, communications, Wells Fargo Bank, Southwest gas, Venetian resorts, Bank of America, Tito's vodka, Viva and James Martin Foundation, Murray Ray Scott Foundation, Motown Foundation, the Vatta partners in the city of Las Vegas, thank you so much for partnering with us throughout the entire year, and sponsoring our event that took place last Saturday night. But also I want to talk about the programs because what I love about the 100, it wasn't just about scholarships, their continual programs going on throughout the year, to engage young people so that you can become a scholarship recipient. That's right. So it doesn't just you know, you just apply you become you know, you have to be involved in the cooking class. Even though I know the cooking class starts back up in September, you noticed one of my favorite, that's our prayer. That's, that's one of my favorites. Oh, mainly because it's a chance for families to get together and you can schedule it. Because the invitation comes out in advance. You can schedule your time around work is at six o'clock in the evening, dinner time, and the family is in the kitchen. That's right cooking dinner. That's right. And watching children not follow instruction. i That's the best part to me. Just what did you say? Okay, can you start back over from one? And what kind of pot do I need? Okay, I just said it. 10 times, I'm gonna say 11 Maybe, you know, but just watching families interact with each other. And then you sit down and share a meal. It's a beautiful thing. You know, when I grew up as a child, I spent a lot of time in the kitchen with my mother, and my grandmother's and my aunt, and I think I shared this with you before. They all have their own recipes. They all cook some of the same things, but they all have their own recipes. And it all tastes different. And it all tastes great. And so I think that's what kept me out of trouble, you know, is being at home with family and being in the kitchen, learn how to cook kept me off the streets from out there doing you know, whatever it is to do you know what I mean? So it's twofold. My mom would say I don't mind is devil works. Busy. That's right. You got to keep busy. You got to keep the kids busy. So I'm a firm believer, and I like spending time with family because I'm very close to my family, you know, and for those who are not close to their families,
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opportunity for you to get close. I love it I love it the other thing is Summer League is coming soon summer league is gonna keep us updated and then you gotta give us an update Rhonda so we know what summer leagues I believe is starting on July the 12th. And the games will be played at UNLV and Cox pavilion and I believe you know the the tickets for more ticket information you can find it you know, on the internet, you know, whatever. But yeah, but the teams have been chosen the schedules are out so if there any of your favorite basketball teams that you'd like to see, you know, the young and up and coming players summer league is for you. I know we went to we went with it last year we go ever you know where we go every year but the most comical year was the year when I remember when I jumped off the cliff in Jamaica. Yeah, so you're
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right, you she couldn't even walk it was it was like Okay, so I'm gonna go but we gotta walk slowly to the arena. He was walking slow, like a turtle like a turtle. And I was like now when I sit down, I can't get up because of the pressure. Yeah, that was but that was that was a that was fun. That was fun. That was yeah, that was a couple of years ago. You have a couple years ago. But we go every year we take Nasir and we take you know, different students, you know, so they can have the opportunity of seeing these new young players will force Nasir was not happy because he wanted to see his his real to see the real player, a real team. He didn't want to see the juniors up and coming and so he was bored to death. But we had a good data. Good. We had a good time. And actually, he is going again. Oh, good. And he's excited to go. Yeah, because he's a part of leaders of the future. LTF. So leaders of a future leaders of the future is a program if parents don't know. So to Clark. There's some amazing programs here. And when I guess we can't talk about all of them. But leaders of the future is a program with Clark County Recreation Center and the parks and recs. And they, you have to be I think 1314 or 15. And you basically come and you volunteer at the camps. Nice. And you work with the children at the camps and every community center. Well, most of the community centers have this program they have their, their their T shirt, Clark County Parks and Recs. They have their ll t f. And with LTF they do different things during during the summer. Like they just did a tour of UNLV. They had all the chapters come they did a tour UNLV they taught them how to vote nice taught them how to you know, you know, this is the voting process. And we want you guys to understand and know how to vote. They also had a meeting with their county commissioner. Wherever you live, you had to know what you had to learn what district you lived in. And they met with it their county commissioners and they had to dress up. Ah, they had to dress up. So
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interacting with young boys and trying to explain to them Okay, so no, you got to put on some slacks, not jeans. No, you're not wearing sneakers, we're gonna put on some shoes. And we're gonna pull on a button down shirt. Right? You know, and mask. Why? That's not me, Mom, no, this is the person that hopefully you become, you might become we just want to teach you just how to be groomed and how you dress. They also do they do a lot of fun stuff, with the teens outside of them volunteering and working with them in the camp. That's fantastic. So again, leaders of the future is the program. So if you have a child that's 13 through 15, and I think it may be too late now, but like next year, in April, May they have the applications out, you just apply. It's also SBS on our Business Institute, there's something else that they have going on in Clark County, and you just have to, you know, keep on looking ask. But there's a lot of good things for teams to do here in the Valley. And over in Nevada Partners, they they have kid entrepreneur class, yes. Where they teach they they mentor the children. It's a six week program. And then the children come up with their business plan. They come up with that idea. And then they they have a day where they sell the products. In one year. I was like about $200 I went to the event, you know to see you know what the kids came up with. And I had some great ideas of some people had lemonade stands, one guy made donuts, you know, they had all different types of things. But when I left I was $200 Lighter. Well, the thing about it is is that when you think about just and building community, right?
Unknown Speaker 14:15
Having children do different things, these children are our leaders of the future. That's right. They are these are these are leaders. And you never know we might be Grohmann the next President of the United States where we won't talk about the debate. We will talk about that right but we might be grooming the next leader of the future. The next Governor, the next state senator State Assembly, the next business owner, right? That's right. So we are grooming them now. So we you know, there are a lot of amazing programs in Clark County. You just have to ask yes. And get involved get involved. Well, you've been listening to the less talk lately and Rhonda show I am Lea Crawford. I think I'm Rhonda Nolan today and I'm so happy to be here. I'm so happy to be off the road and to be able to enjoy this this one
Unknown Speaker 15:00
have really warm weather that we're having and getting the vitamin D from the sun and that type of thing. Yeah, just keep your batteries in and we're looking at a lithium battery. Keep it out of the car. Yeah, don't don't forget your cell phone in the car. When you run into the grocery store or CVS, Walgreens, make sure you have your cell phone in your purse or in your pocket in your purse or in your pocket. It will blow up.
Unknown Speaker 15:21
It will It will blow up. But Rhonda, you offer something that
Unknown Speaker 15:26
I love that we that you do, because it's one of my you know, I have a lot of favorite things I like you know, I like stuff. I like fun stuff. The executive photoshoot? Yes, yes. Why should everyone number one, get an executive photo shoot, even if you're not an executive, so everyone should have a professional photo of themselves. So when people decide to honor you, and they say, Hey, do you have a picture of yourself, you know, we want to put it on our flyer or put in our program, but you already have one at your fingertips. You know, even on your Facebook and your Instagram page, when people will make them pay a LinkedIn page definitely should be the professional photo, it should be an executive photo on your LinkedIn page. I'm gonna say Facebook and Instagram to probably so but you know, those are more fun, you know, so people, but but a lot of employers are asking you for your Facebook. And they are and they're asking you for your Facebook name and instagram name because they want to see what you're saying. So they want to see what the picture what the picture does help. But I what I really think for me, in my opinion, my Facebook and Instagram page is my personal business, you know, so I should be able to say or do whatever I feel on my page. I let me say this, though, but think about it like this, when I hire you,
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even though you just work for me during these hours. And I think about some of the groups we belong to it talks about your character. Who are you? And I want to make sure that the character of this person is in alignment with the company. So look, I mean, because because we tell women whenever they're going through, you know, you're trying to find a way to clean up the Facebook page, clean up the Instagram page, I guess Ness Hawkinson Mintu. You want to make sure because people are looking at those pages. What are you posting because I had someone actually reach out to someone and wanted to do business with them because they were challenging a thought or idea. And they were intrigued. They were like, Okay, so let me know DM this person because they their thought process is like mine. But it wasn't it wasn't something provocative. It was you know, in the business sighs but people are looking at those pages. No, they are. They are I just always keep mine up to snuff. You. Well, that's just who you are. Yeah, so I'm not doing anything too crazy or wild on there. But again, the executive photo shoot. So you want this professional picture you do. And not only do you want your professional picture, but you also want your bio. And the bio as well as the picture should probably be updated every couple of years. I say more policy, I say more than Ethel Rhonda, I'm on the annual looking at it because things can change. That's true. That's true. And you probably should do it every year if you have the bandwidth to do it. But if you don't every couple of years, because you know what I what I what I find interesting is it you know, I'll see XYZ it's honor and XYZ and they have the pictures of the people in the picture to continue years ago. People don't look anything like that the photo, the photo, right? I mean, it's a great photo, but it's it was you 10 years ago, and that's why she wondered why she gets mad at me, y'all. When I tell her it's time to take pictures. We just took pictures last last year, yes, nobody should have a fresh picture and your bio always ready in case anyone wants to interview you, in case anyone wants to give you or your organization and award you should be able to just whip it out and send it right to him and send it right so Alright, so in this process, because you know, I love the process. What does this process look like? Well, for some people who want a change they kind of want to make over their process starts with us coming to your home and looking in your closet to find out what you have to wear and to try on some things to see what looks good, what looks good on you what colors look good on you, you know that whole thing? We also do a hair consultation. You know, what does your hair look like? What is your moustache and beard look like? Is everything in order do we need to you know, you know have a low cut or a little trim or you know, do we need some treatments we look at the whole package right? So now if you are a person who maybe haven't been wearing the right type of clothes for a very long time, we have a stylist that comes in and they pull pieces from different stores to let you try them on so you can see what you look like in some clothes that fit you very well because you always want the clothes to fit you will no matter what size you are doesn't matter doesn't matter what's something zero to a 22 It doesn't matter your clothes just need to look good on you. Right and for women. We put everybody in Spanx yeah everybody every everybody has okay what shape or size you are. Everybody needs to spank they're already really nice bye
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You know, tucked in and whatnot. So anyway, we go and we do this shopping, we pull these looks and we try them on in advance so we know what they look like. And then we go to the studio, we have a wonderful photographer and makeup artists there, and hairdresser to make sure everything's in order and then we shoot you and all of these outfits. So you have you know, five to seven different looks. And I love it because now honestly, the looks from the photo shoot that pictures can last a couple of years. Yeah, they can easy they can can easily last a couple of years. I just like mine done over and over again. Because we actually do when when we do our photo shoot, I think we do we easily do five, five looks Yeah, five or six, five or six looks so that we have different pictures. But you know, I use all the pictures in
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my home nope, I'm gonna send this to you.
Unknown Speaker 20:48
It's an investment in you it is and the things that you learn going through the process, because it's just simply what clothes look good on you. Right? And sometimes that's a hard conversation because you can always come out at six or seven right out the house. Even with no makeup. Just if your clothes fit. And that's right, just learning how you know what, what t shirt looks good on you. Right? Is it right? There's a visa there's been a scoopneck around that. Exactly. You know your hands because you know I'm big hands, you know your nails and you don't have to have extension on the nails but don't have eight nails done and two popped off. Right? No, they're either one or they're off or they are you bid them off or you bet at least whatever you do.
Unknown Speaker 21:37
But you should have a fresh manicure fresh matter what size your nails, whatever, not having manicure nails and then manicured feet. That's right, you should be to get manicure feet because we're in the desert wearing sandals, you know, are you lotioning your feet? Are you taking care of yourself just little things that we that we talk about going through this process. And entrepreneurs, you should have photos of your team, you should have team photos, your whole staff, you should know my team is not my whole staff should come and take a staff photo shoot. I mean, that's something fun you can do with your staff. And then afterwards, you can go out and have something to eat or go bowling and do something fun, you know, go to Dave and Busters or whatever but you want to have an outing, but you want to have a good team photo with everybody looks professional. Everyone looks professional also wanted to announce that you know we have a NAB in Las Vegas chapter down all of that. We finally got chartered and we are putting together well up up and coming our first get together working on a venue now it's going to be September 21 2020. For more details to come. All right, we're going to announce it on different stations because we want to get entrepreneurs is not just black accountants we want to get you know business owners and no financial people involved because there's different tracks that you can be a part of that can help you in your business. I am so looking forward to working with Howard University Alumni Association and a few other groups around town just as we launch and just give them exposure to the National Association of Black accountants. I know I'm an avid fan because they just celebrated 55 years Oh congratulate so I have bought into lift as we climb just the whole motto of
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we're not in competition y'all, right complimentary. And we should be lifted as we climb like giving back to the children lifting as we climb, because I want to make sure that the person that you know serves in office or entrepreneurs, their ethical, good character, and we teach them the skills they need to be productive, right and life. So so looking forward to it we have a bunch of programs and as we start rolling them out you know I will announce them and let you know fantastic you know we love a good program because we love to continue to learn everybody should be continuing to learn. I love to learn something new every day. I love it. Okay, so you've been listening to the less awkward Lea and Rhonda show I am Lea Crawford I am Rhonda Nolan is the Saturday after the fourth of July and let me tell you the people in my neighborhood, they've been doing fireworks and loud noises for the entire week. I'm so past the Fourth of July. I don't know what to do with my next time as New Year's Eve I think the next time Yes. So it's every six every six months is July 4 And it's New Year's Eve that everybody in my neighborhood wants to do fireworks and guns and stuff. Well I can say but executive photo shoot. Rhonda can be contacted at 702-908-9577 Again 702-908-9577 I say it again 702-908-9577 The Executive photoshoot it is an experience. You'll learn some things because it can venture off into a whole bunch of different stuff may
Unknown Speaker 25:00
Be a closet audit, which is something totally different. You learn about hair and makeup. What looks good on you? What really looks good on you?
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And just you know really what clothes look good. Yeah, cuz everything does not look good on everybody else because it's in your side. Yes. Because you should not buy more you should not buy and that goes for ladies and gentlemen. Jessica the single size because you should not buy Right, right. I mean, some people look great in a bell bottom pants on top of a braid in the straight leg. Some people are good and a skinny jean. And some people don't. Some people don't. But we're here to help. And we're here for we're here. We're here to help and find the best looking
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the best looking you That's right, the best looking you Alright, so we're coming to a close on next week. We have some interesting guests coming on for the rest of the month. I know I am so happy that we had Lamont on last week. Yes. And talking about the mortgages and talking about all the products that he's offering and just the different things that
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if you're a first time homebuyer, you know and I know like we talked about last week, people saying that you know is it a good time to buy is not a good time to buy and he said you know now it's time to buy Yep, because you want to you want to get in something because this market is steadily increasing. And he can be contacted at 88844139308884413930 You miss Pamela Jones, I missed her you miss Oh my god. So with Pam, Attorney Pamela Jones, Pamela broke down estates and probate okay and talking about you know, when you are what I love the most talking about, if you're getting married, looking to get married, everyone having a prenup
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getting a prenup because we live in a community property state. Okay, explaining what that means. You know, for more details, you can look at that show because we're on Apple podcasts, you can see all our previous shows, but even talking to you know, Kevin a conversation with her and talking get through, you know, what's the difference between the mistake and how do you handle probate and probate probate is interesting. Probate is interesting but she can be contacted at 70237061027023706102 But I am so looking forward to the people we have coming up this month. Okay. Because we got to PowerPad guests at the end of July. All right, and I can't wait to bring them in here because these brothers are absolutely amazing. That's fantastic. Well, you know, it's almost that time. It's almost that time we were so happy that you are here with us this beautiful Saturday morning after the fourth of July. I see your happy birthday again. Happy birthday.
Unknown Speaker 27:50
But we look forward to seeing you next Saturday, next Saturday next Saturday and like I said you've been listened to the less talk with Leah and Rhonda show. I am Lea Crawford I am Rhonda lowland Be safe out there and have a great week. All right Peace and blessings and blessings. Bye
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